Chapter 2 - 'What was that...'

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I look at the clock beside me and, I groan realising I'm late for school. I sigh and get out of bed making my way to the bathroom. "Second day of school...YAY!, and I'm already late..." I say with fake enthusiasm and brush my teeth, After I'm done I change into a navy t-shirt which says 'Never Tell Me The Odds' with grey jeans that have little black dots, grabbing a pink cardigan and my black boots. My thoughts went back to yesterday when that wierd groups of teenagers saw me in my wolf from, Do they know? Omg what if they do? Would they tell?' I slap my cheeks and forget the thought, I look at the time once more, "Holy!" I curse I am super late I run out the door and get to school.


"Your very Late, Miss Hale." Miss Aquarius scolded me, "Sorry.." I mumbled and went to my seat ignoring her glares in my back. "Hey, its you again." Someone said, I look to my side and see the red head from that group yesterday, I suddenly got really nervous 'Please don't figure out...' I say in my head, "Your that girl that threw Levy over her shoulder." She said glaring at me, "But she said you had a good reason so may I ask, what is the reason?" She asked , "I-" I was interrupted by The teacher shouting "NO TALKING!" I groan and look out the window.


I walk into the canteen and got an animal blood bag, I turn around to head out and I see Levy looking at me, I give a weak smile and head outside sitting in the same place as yesterday. I open the bag and slowly start to drink it, "So your a vampire, I presume?" Someone said I look over to see that Levy girl, "Yeah...I guess you could say that..." I shrug. "So..." She said and looked around "This where you spend your time, alone?" I nod "I like it...peace and quiet...." I said sadly. "You don't actually like being alone do you?" She ask, I shake my head, "No I'm okay with it, it's just that.." I said, "Never mind you should get back to your friends.." I said standing up I turn to face her and she looks scared. "What?" I ask and turn around, And I see 4 wolves.

I back up a bit, "Levy run.." I said pushing her a little, "What about y-" "RUN!" I shout and she does I face back to the wolves in front. "You can here for me didn't you." I glare and One of the wolves transformed "Yes indeed we need to bring you back  to Joseph princess," he smirked, I shake my head "I'm not going back their!" I shout "Well you don't really have a choice!" He turned back into his wolf form and leaped at me, to my surprise he was thrown at a tree. "Do you guys have no manners." A male voice spoke, "Natsu..." I mutter and he turns around and smiles at me, "You okay Luce?" He asked and I nod my head. "Good," He turned back to the wolves "NOW GET LOST!, Or you'll have all of us to deal with!" Then all of a sudden 3 wolves came out, I immediately relised them as Levy, Gajeel and Juvia. Then next to me was Gray ad Erza, The wolves immediately ran off.

"Thank you." I smile and I feel someone hug me, I look down to see Levy "Thank god your okay!" She cried I pat her head affectively and look up to the others. "So Luce why we're they after you anyway," Natsu asked I froze at the question, "Yeah and who's Joseph?" The boy with raven hair asked. I look down at my feet, "H-hey maybe we should introduce ourselves guys, before we aske her questions." Levy said thankfully changing the subject. "Okay, Lucy meet Gray, Erza, Juvia, Gajeel and Natsu!" Levy smiled they all said hi back except  Juvia she said Love rival whatever that means.

"Well I must be on my way...Bye." I was about to walk off but a hand grabbed my shoulder, "No way, we're having a sleep over a Levys and your coming." Erza said, "But I um-". "No buts your coming and Natsu will pick you up." She said and gave me a piece of par with a number that Natsu's call him when you need to be picked up." She smiled, I laugh a bit "Okay see ya later I guess.." I walk away,

'A sleep over huh...'

I smile at the though grabbing some clothes and getting ready for a run.

I run past all the tree's heading to my favourite spot to relax, I make it to the water fall and I lay  down closing my eyes, My ears perk up when I hear the sound of a camera flash. I jump up and look around, I then catch the sound of another. I jolt into the tree's heading to where I put my clothes. I change quickly and run into my apartment.

'What was that...'




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