Chapter 6 - 'That's what friends are for Luce..'

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Levy's P.O.V

(Betcha didn't see that coming....)

"Lucy, LUCY!" I shout her name tears run down my cheeks, "Please..." I cried and hugged her shoulder, "Excuse me ma'am." The paramedics said and lifted her onto the stretcher. "Do you know any family contacts?" The paramedics said I shake my head and get into the ambulance. 'She saved me...' I thought and dialled Erza's number, "Hello Levy?, where are you we've been waiting?" She asked, "E-erza..." I croaked out "Levy? What wrong!?" She said in panic, "L-lucy, s-she saved me...b-but she's badly ingured we're heading to Magnolia's hospital now..." I cried and she told the other "Okay we're on our way." She said and ended the phone call.

I've been sitting in the waiting room while Lucy's in surgery, suddenly then doors burst open and the gang run in. I stand up and run to Erza giving her a big hug, "Where's Luce!" Natsu said obviously worried for the blonde. "She's  in surgery..." I said and Gajeel hugged me while I cried into his chest.


"People for Lucy Hale?" A nurse said and Natsu dashes up their us following closely behind, "She's in this room, but please keep it down she's sleeping." She said and Natsu ran into the room, "I thank the nurse and walk into the room.


Lucy's P.O.V

"W-where am I?" I sit up in the golden fields "Lucy..." An angelic voice spoke, I turn around to see my mum..."Mum." My voice cracked and I ran up and hugged her, "Oh Lucy.." She strocked my locks, "You cannot be here..." She smiled, "Where is here?"  "Heaven, my dear" She said and I stood shocked, "But.." "Please Lucy, you must go back." I nod, "I'll miss you mum." I felt tears roll down my cheeks "Farewell my little Angel." She smiled,

I slowly open my eyes groaning at the light in my face, "LUCE!" Someone said and hugged me. I look forward to see everyone, "H-hey.." I smiled weakly and stroked Natsu's  head. "Wait where's Levy!?" I shot up and grunted when a sharp pain shot up my shoulder. "L-lu Chan..."  small voice said Levy steps out from behind Gajeel and jumps on me, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" She shouted and cried in my chest I hug her back, "Thank god your okay...".

Erza asked "Levy what happened exactly?" I froze at the question, Levy whispered something in my ear "Can I tell them about what you are..." She whispered. I shook my head and looked down.

After Levy explained to them what happened leaving the part where I'm a Hybrid, "I don't get it though why are they after Lucy." Juvia said "I have no clue." I lied. Then the nurse walked in with a checkboard "Lucy Hale correct?" I nod "Well the doctor said that you will be about to get out by next week, but we would have to put you on medication." She smiled "Okay Thank you!" I smiled and she walked out the room. I sighed and looked up to the ceiling 'What am I gonna do Mama...' I thought silently 'What if he finds me? What if he hurts my friends? "Uce...LUCE!" A panicked voice cut me off, I snap out of my thoughts and blinked a few times. "Are you okay? You blacked out for 5 minutes?" Natsu said I nod "I'm fine, Just thinking.." I said. I look over on the bedside table and I take my phone, 21:49 PM. "Shouldn't you guys get  going?" I ask and they all looked at the time "I suppose it is late." Erza said and smiled at me and put a bag on my desk, "Here's some clothes." "Thank you Erza." I smiled  they all said there goodbye'before leaving. "Luce..." Natsu said and walked over to me "Here." He said and gave me a piece of paper "Call me if ya need me yeah?" He grinned and I smiled and pulled him close "Thank you Natsu." I whispered and kissed him on the cheek.

He blushed and walked to the door looking at me one more time..

" That's What are friends for Luce.."






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