Chapter 13

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Morning came too quickly. 

Zerachiel said the protection placed on Grey's house would be lifted at dawn, and once dawn hit- this would be the first place Demons and Fallen would come looking for me. We had to leave. Fast. 

It was just barely past 5, and the horizon was just starting to fade into a periwinkle blue. Allison, Siena, Grey and I stood outside, making sure we had everything we needed. The Archangels had gifted us with bodysuits made from some sort of heavenly carbon-fiber thing. Apparently they would help protect us against anything made from Hellfire. I didn't need any encouragement into liking them however- they were black and looked badass. They also had slits for wings so I didn't have to take off my clothes to fly (as much as Grey might have enjoyed that). Allison didn't enjoy them as much, insisting that black wasn't her color and she shouldn't be forced into wearing it. However, when Siena gave her the evil eye, she shut up and put the suit on. 

We were each given several throwing knives to store in the various pockets of the suit, and Siena and Grey were given swords to store between their wings during flight, as they were the strongest fliers. Siena, of course, immediately grabbed the biggest sword available because #bigdickenergy, but upon realizing it was almost as tall as she was, went for the smaller, more agile one. 

I had been irritated at the time when I didn't get a sword, but when Siena explained that it would a- weigh me down during our long flight and b- be useless because my primary training was in hand to hand combat, I relented. 

"Okay. Siena is going to lead because she's the strongest flier. Allison and Greene, you're going to be on her flanks. I'm going to stay in the back and watch for any threats. We need to try to push straight through to Los Angeles so we can't get tracked, but if we need to stop, Siena- find us a hidden place to land," Grey glanced to Siena, who nodded firmly.

"If we are attacked,  Siena will draw the fire, Allison, you're going to help me protect Greene. If anyone gets hurt, we keep going. We can't let them catch us," Grey clenched his jaw slightly. 

"Um, no. Absolutely not. If anyone gets hurt, we fall back and protect them, Grey," I scowled. Grey's eyes shot to me and he frowned. 

"No. We have to keep going. Everybody here knows the risks, Greene. We keep going," he insisted. 

"He's right, Jordan. There's bigger things at stake here," Siena agreed, but her eyes were more forgiving than Grey's. I felt like I was going to be sick. The thought of anybody getting hurt simply because Hell was after Grey and I made me want to vomit. I knew I couldn't entirely blame myself because I didn't choose to make Lucifer go after me, but at the same time- it was me Lucifer wanted. 

I decided not to respond. They didn't need to know that I wasn't intending on letting anybody sacrifice themselves for my soul. 

The sky was beginning to turn a peachy orange as the sun neared the horizon. I could see the glow through the trees to the east of Grey's house. 

I would miss it here. I felt safe here. I don't know when, or if, we'd ever return. 

"We've gotta get going," Siena broke the silence, her wings ruffling against the fabric of her bodysuit as they unfolded. She extended them out to her sides, stretching them out in preparation for the long flight. 

"If you need to stop, we stop," Grey eyed me and I sighed, nodding. Satisfied, Grey unfurled his own massive dark wings, stretching them out like Siena had done. Allison then followed, her pearly white wings extending out to either side of her. They all turned to look at me expectantly. 

I was kind of hesitant to unfurl my wings, because I didn't really wanna start glowing again, but I didn't really have a choice. I remembered what Zerachiel had said about keeping the little hum of energy inside my chest under control, letting out a breath as I let my wings unfurl from my shoulder blades. They were tight, like how your legs feel after sitting down for too long. I stretched them out like the others had done, and when I was satisfied, nodded to them to let them know I was ready. Well- I guess as ready as I would ever be. 

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