Chapter 19

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The minute we woke up, Grey and Siena had us all rushing out the doors. Suriel was a little irritated, it seemed, because he didn't really understand the rush.

"Our flights not for 4 hours, can we just chill?" He asked with a roll of his eyes, leaning back onto his headboard with his arms crossed behind his neck.

"The last place we stayed, we woke up to a bloody goat head. Do you want to be the bloody goat head?" Siena snapped. Suriel's eyes went wide and he shook his head. "Thought so. Now get up."

At that, he had finally gotten up. We all stood waiting for him and Allison to finish 'getting ready', Siena tapping her foot impatiently against the floor of the cathedral. The sound echoed across the vaulted ceilings, and every now and again, a "stop being so impatient, beauty takes time" would resound up from the basement. When they had finally gotten ready, we exited the beautiful church and stood out in the courtyard.

"Okay. Siena, you okay to take the lead again to the airport?" Grey asked and Siena nodded. "Allison, you and Suriel take her flanks. Greene, you fly behind Suriel, I'll take Allison," Grey explained, eyeing Suriel as if half expecting him to challenge his authority. However, he didn't. Probably a good thing.

We all took off in Grey's assigned positions, although I was a little confused why Grey had put me in the back with him. Not that I was complaining.

Although it was frigid outside, and the low hanging clouds spit out some sleet every now and again, I didn't feel all that cold. I guess it was that whole 'Angels don't get cold' thing Riel had told me about. Or maybe it's the whole 'a ho never gets cold' thing. Regardless. I wasn't cold. You get the point.

When we finally landed in the deserted parking lot of the airport, the sun had just begun to rise. Luckily, there was someone at check in who let us get checked in for our flight, even though we were super early. However, security- we were not so lucky.

"Ma'am, I'm gonna need you to remove your- your sword," a TSA agent eyed Siena cautiously.

"No," Siena retorted in almost laughter, as if removing her sword was an absurd notion.

"Ma'am, if you don't remove the sword, I'm going to have to call security," he explained, folding his arms across his chest.

"Call security. Please. I've been itching for a fight for a whole week," she smirked mischievously.

"Oh my God, Siena, stop," I rolled my eyes and she shrugged.

"Humans," Grey mumbled under his breath as he pushed past Siena and faced the TSA agent. "You're going to let us through, with all of our weapons, and you're not going to tell anybody about us. Ever. Clear?" Grey's pupils dilated and I watched as the guards pupils did the same.

"Yes, sir," the TSA agent replied monotonously. He shook his head and blinked a few times. "Can I at least ask how many weapons each of you are carrying and what your purpose is so I know you're not going to hurt anyone?"

Grey clenched his jaw in irritation and Suriel cleared his throat. Grey slowly narrowed his eyes, fixing his gaze on Suriel.

"Yes, malakhim?" Grey said through gritted teeth. He was already annoyed, and Suriel thinking he got a say in any of this must've set him off.

"We're not going to hurt any humans, so you don't have to be concerned. We are here on God's will," Suriel explained and Grey rolled his eyes and snorted. Suriel shot him a subtle glare and turned back to the guard. "I am carrying 3 weapons." The guard nodded and let him pass.

"I'm carrying 2," Allison offered the guard a polite smile and he let her pass as well.

"I'm carrying 8," I eyed the guard, who raised an eyebrow slowly, but nodded, beckoning me past.

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