Chapter 17

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"You just don't understand," Allison retorted angrily, folding her arms sternly over her chest as we soared across the sunlit sky. 

"Oh my God, you broke a nail, get over it," Siena called back over her shoulder in irritation. Allison broke her acrylic nail this morning while she was straightening her hair, and had been in a bad mood ever since. Don't ask me why- I understood as much as Siena did. 

"It's so annoying though- I just got them done before we left. They're lucky these babies didn't come with a warranty, or I'd sue for emotional trauma," Allison frowned. 

"Can we move on? At this rate I'm gonna fall asleep flying and land us in Texas instead of Nebraska," Siena glanced over her shoulder at me, rolling her eyes at Allison. 

"Where are we now?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at the flat, brown-ish yellow ground below us. It was obviously farmland, with different sized rectangles in different shades of brown stretching around us like a quilted blanket. 

"Probably close to the border, " Siena called back. 

"What's that?" I glanced over at Allison, who narrowed her eyes at the ground in front of us. I frowned, squinting through the thin layer of clouds at a little dark shape silhouetted against the ground. 

"I'll investigate. Keep flying," I heard Grey call out from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder at him and he gave a subtle nod of affirmation, as if he knew I was going to tell him to be safe. Grey pulled his wings in close, dive-bombing down to the ground with a streamline of grey clouds trailing back over the arches of his wings. A few moments later, he began to push his way back up into the sky, eventually getting back to our level. 

"Well?" I yelled back expectantly. Obviously he a- came back and b- wasn't harmed, so I wasn't too concerned. 

"A bus painted like a cow?" One of his eyebrows slowly arched upwards, the corners of his lips curling in an amused smirk. 

"Nebraska's weird. I spent a few months here back in the late 1800s. Hasn't changed much," Siena replied with a chuckle. 

We spent the next hour or so flying over cornfields with the occasional patch of trees, old Victorian style houses with attached barns and tractors sitting out front passing us by down below. By the time the sun began to set behind us, we'd reached our home for the night. 

Siena had some old friends whose grandkids now owned a bed and breakfast outside of Lincoln, and had snagged us two rooms for free. Apparently the family now owed Siena what they referred to as a 'blood debt', and whenever Siena asked for something from them, she got it. The married couple that owned the place were very sweet. They both had white hair and bright blue eyes like the sky above us, with the man standing only a few inches taller than his wife. I believe their names were Waylon and Mary-Jo, but it might've been Winston and Mary-Rose. I couldn't read their lips very well from outside the house. Siena had asked us to wait outside while she talked to them. I don't know why. 

When Siena came outside the house, we were all sitting on the patio waiting. She motioned for us to get up and follow her. 

"I thought it was a bed and breakfast? Doesn't that normally mean staying in their house?" I asked as we followed her down the steps and across the front lawn towards the red barn. 

"I guess it's more of a 'barn and breakfast'. Barn's been converted to use as a guest space. There's 6 rooms, I think they said. We're on the top floor," she smiled, handing an old brass key to me. I raised an eyebrow, dangling the key in front of Grey, who rolled his eyes. I'm sure he was thrilled. Grey was much more of a minimalist, city kind of guy- the kind that stayed in 5 star hotels when it wasn't too dangerous too. Now here we were, crossing the country motel to motel, snagging what we could at gas stations if we needed any sort of food. Although, I must say- I've yet to feel hungry as an Angel. More than anything, I've just craved the sensation of chewing or the taste of something. Maybe that was an immortal thing too. 

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