IMPORTANT / new spam book

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Just a heads up, I'm creating a new spam book like this one but it will have less negativity in and will have more random thoughts of mine and more fangirl moments so it WILL be a lot better than this one ever was.

Before I make it, just wanted to let my readers of this book know that I might be unpublishing or deleting some of my existing stories just because I don't have the time or the motivation to update them anymore. These may include:

• Kids in the Dark
• Back and Forth
• More Than Just A Pizza Boy

They may not be gone forever though. I might republish them again in the future when I've finished the stories I already have up.

Just a warning:

I might be kinda, sorta leaving the Finn Wolfhard fandom. I'm still in the stranger Things, it fandom and calpurnia and will happily fangirl about season 3 of st or it chapter 2 or anything but I just am not a huge fan of Finn anymore. That's the main reason I have no motivation to update these stories.

I will still be updating and finishing my Bullied by FW series since I was hoping to make it a trilogy book series but I will be publishing more books around other fandoms like spiderman or avengers or it cast. You are welcome to read those stories too and I hope I can still be friends with the friends I have in the Finn fandom. I will still happily listen to you guys fangirl about Finn. Or you can hate me for leaving the fandom and send hurtful messages or whatever people do but it won't change the fact that I'm leaving it.

I've already lost a few friends for switching my account to Tom and only talking about Tom but it's not really my fault that my interests have change. You guys should have seen this coming from my Peter Parker theme before this and from how I slowly stopped talking about Finn on my profile.

I just hope people can not be childish about me leaving the fandom. And understand.

I'll see you guys in my next spam book 👋

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