Chapter 1: Have You Ever Needed Someone So Bad?

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   The sun slowly peeked through the blinds of the bedroom window shining a spotlight on you and your boyfriend of 6 years, Rick Savage. You slowly opened your eyes careful not to move as it would only wake the sleeping bassist wrapped around you. Slowly, you reached your hands over to your eyes to wipe the sleep from them and sighed. You didn't want morning to come.

You cursed yourself when you felt him start to stir. Sav yawned softly and snuggled his face into your shoulder from behind, wrapping his arms tightly around you.
"Good morning beautiful." He mumbled as he peppered soft kisses on your shoulder.
"Some morning." You sighed. You've been dreading this day since it was announced. Today's the day Sav leaves for tour.
"Oh come on, it isn't all bad is it?" He replies giving you a soft smile as you slowly turn to face him.
"I don't want you to leave." You whisper as you softly pushed the curly blonde locks from his eyes.
"I'll be back before you know it." He promised as he kissed your forehead. "I'm just crushed I'll be missing your album release."

The both of you were in very successful groups. Sav was the bassist of Def Leppard going on tour for their fifth album Adrenalize. You were in the worlds biggest girl group releasing your third album in a few weeks. That would mean lots of promotion coming up soon. Being two successful musicians in a relationship together has always been difficult but the two of you always managed to get through it. This would be one of the biggest tests. This time you guys will be apart for 6 months and you weren't too sure if you could make it that long without him.

"Six months Sav." You said softly.
"I know love." He whispered, reaching over to cup your cheek.
"It'll be alright. We can do this, and I promise to call you every night."
"You better." You smirked.
Sav gasped at your doubt with a shocked look. "Would I ever lie to you?"
You giggled giving him a light push.
A few minutes passed in silence while Sav softly rubbed your upper arm with his thumb, the rough callouses from playing bass brushing against your soft skin.
"I love you (y/n/n)."
You gave him a soft smile.
"I love you too."


After laying in bed for about another hour, the two of you decided it was best to finally get out of bed. Sav had to leave in a few hours and despite not wanting him to leave, you would feel awful if you made him late.

After the two of you jumped out of the shower you dressed yourself up casually in a loose t shirt and jeans. You put on some light makeup and as you were leaning against the counter so you could get your mascara on without smudging it to much, Sav came from the hall and wrapped his arms around you from behind.
"I'm going to miss my mornings looking like this."
You looked at his reflection in the mirror through your long  lashes and smiled.
"Don't worry soon it'll be back to me messing up the counter with foundation and powder again before you know it."
Sav chuckled at that comment and started out the door. "Alright well I'm going to go get breakfast started."
"Alright I'm just about done anyway."
You quickly finish up your makeup, played with your hair till it laid just how you liked it, grabbed your bag and followed the smell eggs and bacon filling the house.

Sav was at the stove when you entered the kitchen moving the eggs and bacon from the pan onto a plate next to the french toast.
"Smells great!" You spoke, eagerly to try the delicious smelling breakfast.
"Only for the best." Sav replied before he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek.
The two of you sat down eating your breakfast and chatted. These where some of your favorite moments with Sav. Eating delicious breakfast and just talking. It was so simple yet meant so much.
"So, you excited for the tour?" You asked while stabbing your fork into a piece of syrup drenched french toast.
"Yeah, super excited. It's just a bit weird."
"Weird how?" You asked in confusion.
"Well, it's our first tour without Steve."
You stopped. How could you not have realized.
"Wow. You're right... I still really miss him."
"Me too."

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