Chapter 6: Stay With Me

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(I'm sorry I'm a shithead that takes too long to update. Every time I go to write I'm dragged away to a new place. 😪 Anyway photo is Joseph teasing Sav on the plane. Enjoy!)

"Are you sure this is okay?" You asked with a worried look.
"Yes! Yes! We got ya girl! Go be with your man! You deserve it." Megan assured you.
"Thank you girls so much, honestly I don't deserve you." You smiled at them.
"Oh don't worry love, you can make it up to us by letting us be your brides maids at the wedding. Now hurry before you miss your flight!" Ashley clapped grabbing your bags for you.
"I love you girls! I'll call you as soon as I get to Japan!"
"Bye love!" The girls all called out in unison as you walked out the door.
You walked out of the hotel you and the girls were staying in with a hoodie and sunglasses on so you wouldn't be spotted by paparazzi.
You quickly jumped into the back seat of the dark car to take you to the Heathrow Airport where you'd meet Sav and the boys.
Sav was bouncing his knee anxiously as he waited for the bus to arrive in London.
"How much longer?" He asked impatiently.
"Relax mate we're here." Joe replied.
"We are?" He jumped up. Grabbing his bag.
"Sav! What is it? You got a date er something?" Viv snickered at the anxious bassist who's been up with his bags ready since bright and early this morning.
"I-uhm... (y/n)'s meeting us there." Sav mumbled.
"Ah that explains it." Phil yelled from his bunk. Sav rolled his eyes at that comment.
"Yeah so let's get going! Don't wanna miss our flight." He said coolly, trying to hide his excitement.
"Nice try Sav we have our own plane." Joe smirked.
Sav groaned and sat back down in his seat.
The bus stopped right in front of Def Leppard's own plane with the crew and others waiting to help the guys. Sav scanned his eyes around the group of people until he spotted you chatting with Peter Mensch.
Sav quickly jumped out of the bus pulling his suitcase with him.
In the middle of your conversation you saw him walking towards you in the distance.
"Oh excuse me." You said kindly to Mensch. As you ran over to Sav's direction. Sav letting go of his bags halfway and pulling you in for a big bear hug.
Sav then pulled back and brought you in for a kiss.
"Hi, love." He smiled.
"Hi." You cried out, a huge grin on your face.
"I can't believe I'm holding you right now." He spoke in disbelief, the huge smile never leaving his face.
"Yeah me too."
"Look who decided to show up!" Phil walked over to you with his bag and ruffled your hair and walking to the plane.
You rolled your eyes and smiled.
"Hi Phil, missed you too." You said turning around as you fixed your hair.
Phil turned walking backwards and giving you a wink, then turned back around to jog up the steps of the plane.
Next Joe walked over messing Sav's hair up instead causing him to grumble at his best friend and immediately fix his now flattened hair. The famous Rick Savage could not be seen with flat hair. This made you giggle.
"Yeah yeah very funny, i'm gonna give the guys our luggage then I'll meet you on the plane, yeah?" Sav asked grabbing your bag.
"Sounds good!" You smiled. He's here again. Right in front of you.
Sav smiled back then walked away with your bags.
"(Y/n)!" You heard from behind you.
You turned around to see Rick with a duffle bag on his shoulder and a suitcase in his one arm. Vivian followed not far behind him.
"Rick!" You quickly ran over to give him a big hug, Rick dropped his bags to do so.
When you let go you acknowledged Vivian who was standing behind you too.
"Hi, Vivian! Nice to officially finally meet you! I'm (y/n)!" You smiled reaching out your hand.
"Ah, you must be Sav's girl he's constantly talking about." He smirked shaking your hand. "Nice to meet you as well."
You blushed at that comment m. Nothing sounded better to you than being called "Sav's girl".
"You guys need any help with those?" You asked looking at Rick struggle with the duffle bag.
"I'm good, he might though." Viv motioned towards Rick.
"Nah, I'm good." He replied.
As if on cue the duffle bag slid off his left shoulder.
"Bloody hell." He groaned.
"Here, I got it." You replied swinging it around your shoulder and walking to the plane with the guys.

The three of you dropped your bags off with the crew then walked up the steps of the plane. When you got inside the plane was immediately filled with Joe Elliott singing along to   Runaway by Bon Jovi. When he saw you walking in he pointed at you and sang along jokingly off key. Sav slowly turned his head to give him a look.
He then noticed you and got up from his lone window seat to sit with you behind Joe. You laughed and Sat on the window side as Sav sat directly behind Joe. Joe continued singing as loud and off key as he could to the song resulting in Sav kicking his seat.
"Cut it out you arse." Sav groaned.
Joe quickly turned his head around to look at Sav.
"You're just jealous."
"Yeah? Of what?"
"My sexy voice."
"Piss off, Joe"
Joe snickered and turned back in his seat. You giggled back.
"Wh are you being so grumpy?" You fluffed up the top of his hair.
"I'm sleepy, he's full of energy." Sav replied leaning over and nuzzling his cheek into your shoulder. You quickly put your arm around him, letting him dose off on your shoulder.
"Alright guys sit tight. We got a very long flight ahead of us." Mensch said sitting down. Being the last person to board, the plane eventually took off.
Before you knew it, you were also asleep resting your head ontop of Sav's.

You were woken up to a thud and bump of the plane landing.
You slowly opened your eyes and noticed Sav's head was no longer on your shoulder, in fact it was the other way around.
You were leaning against Sav's side with his arm wrapped around you. You looked over to see Sav staring out the window, watching the plane land.
Sav noticed your little movements and quickly turned his head to see you stretching. You felt a bit of pain in your back from falling asleep in the plane's chair.
"Good morning, beautiful." He smiled, resting his head on his hand.
You responded with a big yawn. "Mmmh g'morning." You sighed.
He chuckled at your sleepiness. "You're adorable you know that?"
"I do try." You smirked.

The two of you jumped off the plane with the rest of the sleepy crew and band.
You and the band were taken with your luggage in one van to the hotel.
You entered the van to find Viv and Phil in the back with Rick asleep on Viv's shoulder and Joe sitting by the window of the middle row. Sav slid down next to Joe and you sat next to Sav.
"Good morning Savvy, (y/n)." Joe said in a voice that sounded like Joe had been up for a few hours.
"Good morning Joseph." You giggled. Sav smirked at that.
"Watch it." Joe said pointing a finger at you. You just laughed even more at that.
Sav wrapped his arm around you and pulled you in so you rested your head back on his shoulder for the rest of the car ride.

Once you got to the hotel, Mensch gave each of the boys a key to their rooms.
"Your luggage should all be in your rooms."
Sav held your hand as the two of you walked down the long hallway to your room.
"Have fun you two!" Joe sang as Sav opened the door up to your suite.
Sav rolled his eyes and smirked at Joe as he pushed the door open, letting you in, and closing the door behind you. Just as Peter Mensch had promised. All their bags were sitting at the bottom of the bed.
You kicked your shoes off and laid down on the bed, immediately melting in it.
"Mmmm" You moaned. It felt nice to lay down on something comfortable after being on that plane for almost 24 hours.
Sav kicked his shoes off and joined you on the bed, pulling you close to spoon you, nuzzling your neck.
"Comfy?" He asked.
"Mhm." You hummed, then slowly turned around to face him.
"I love you."
Sav gave you a soft sweet kiss on the lips.
"I love you too sweetheart, how does a nap sound?" He smirked.
"Uhg it sounds great right now. Let me just get out of these jeans and sweater."
You got out of bed a pulled the oversized sweater over your head leaving you in only your jeans and bra. You turned around catching Sav's wandering eyes, smirked at him, and walked over to the end of the bed. You then took your jeans off and reached into the closest bag, being Sav's, and pulled out one of his Def Leppard t-shirts. You turned around to face a staring Sav agin and threw on the t-shirt the fell just below your hips.
"You are absolutely beautiful." he whispered to you as you laid back down in bed. He quickly wrapped his arms around you again. All he wanted right now was to hold you.
The two of you laid there silently until you fell asleep.
Hopefully I won't take forever to update next chapter.
No promises tho cause like I said I'm a shithead.
Sorry about it. 😌

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