Chapter 2: Photograph

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A cold draft brushed your skin as you shivered under the soft covers of the bed you shared with Sav. Noticing your shiver. Sav, half asleep, moved slowly and lazily closer to you and wrapped his warm arms around your shivering body, kissing the back of your head.
Nothing felt more home than this. Nothing felt safer. You in his warm arms. It felt just right. Just where you belonged. Warm and safe in Sav's arms.

When you woke up, there was no Sav. There was no warmth. You were small, cold, and alone in that big bed made for two.

It had been about a month since you last saw your boyfriend. As promised he has called every night to tell you about the show and how the guys are doing and where they are.

"We're in Madrid right now (y/n/n)! I wish you were here. It's absolutely beautiful." Sav spoke over the phone.
"Guys (y/n/n)'s on the phone!!" You heard Phil in the background.
"Hi (y/n/n)!!" You heard from 4 other voices yelling in the background.
"Can the four of you piss off? I'm trying to talk to my girlfriend." Sav yelled back.
"Tell her we miss her!" Phil yelled.
"Tell her to ditch the album release party and jump on a plane to see us!" Joe yelled after.
"Tell her it's not as fun without her!" Rick shouted as well.
"Aw they're sweet." You smiled. "Tell them I say hi!"
"She says hi, now can you guys leave us alone??"  Sav replied. You could hear his eyes roll in his voice.
"Three of my bestest friends flirting with my girlfriend. Wow." Sav joked.
"Aw don't worry Savvy. I only got eyes for one Lepp."
"Yeah, Is that right?" Sav smiled.
"Yeah, that Vivian is beautiful. Is he single?"
"Haha very funny."
You giggled. "I miss ya Sav."
"I miss you too love."
"Sav we gotta go! Show starts in 20 minutes!" You faintly heard in the background.
"Hey listen love I-"
"Gotta go?"
"Alright well kill it tonight! I love you."
"I love you too."
And with that you put the phone back on the receiver with a sigh.

Tonight was the release of the album and you and the girls were celebrating with a big party. You were in the dressing room applying makeup with the radio blasting.
"Can you guys believe this album is finally out!? I'm so excited!" Megan jumped with joy.
"I know! I now we get to partaaayy!" Ashley turned around and danced around with Meg.
"Hey love, you okay?" Celeste, your best friend from growing up noticed you being so quiet.
"Yeah I'm fine it's just..." you stopped not wanting to sound like you were wining. You guys just released a new album this was time to celebrate your accomplishments as a group not boys, but you noticed Meg and Ashley now stopped to see what was wrong as well. You couldn't hide anything from these girls.
"I know it's lame. I just miss him that's all. I really wish he could be here." You replied throwing down your eyeshadow brush covered in pink powder.
"We get it. We know it's harder for you guys both touring and promoting constantly but the two of you have last longer then us three's relationship combined! You two got this!" Meg replied with a smile and a tight hug from behind.
"Thanks Meg." You looked at the girls through the mirror. "This is going to be fun."
"You bet it will be!" Ashley twirled around, her black dress flowing as she turned, going back to dance with Meg some more.
All of a sudden "Let's get rocked" came on the radio. The four of you looked at each other and just started laughing hysterically.
"You've got to be kidding me" Ashley laughed.
"Must be a sign. Sav doesn't wang you sulking around." Celeste grabbed my arm and pulled me to the center of the room.
The four of you jumped around singing and dancing to the song. This was the time to celebrate your accomplishments not sulk around.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing.
"Hellooo?" Meg answered in a silly fake accent.
"Oh hi Sav!! We were just talking about you!!"
You quickly looked up hearing that.
"Wait what? Sav? Meg give me the phone!"
Meg ran away with it as you chased her around.
"It's actually funny! We were just talking about you! All good things, all good things, and then! Let's get rocked came on! Are you haunting us Sav?? Guess you'd have to be dead for that or something I don't know... Ya know (y/n) is chasing me around for the phone and it's getting a bit tiring so I guess i'll give in and give it to her-"
"MEGAN!!" You yelled on reaching as far as you could to grab it.
"Alright it was nice talking to ya Sav hope all is well! I- AH! Alright (y/n/n)! Here talk to your lover!"
Finally she handed you the phone.
"Sav hi!" You smiled.
You could here him laughing on the other side.
"Megan's great."
"Yeah when she's not stealing my boyfriend on the phone from me."
"You guys getting ready for the party?" Sav asked.
You noticed the girls boyfriends had arrived and were now sitting with them and chatting. It hurt knowing you were alone.
"Yeah you know what it looks like we're just about to leave."
"Oh well I won't keep you girls." Sav replied.
"I wish I could talk longer but I don't want to hold them up..."
"No worries, i'll try to call you after the show love."
"Okay." You sighed.
"Have fun tonight okay?"
"I'll try. I wish you were here."
"I do too sweetheart."
When Sav hung up you stood up and walked towards the girls.
"Ready to go?"
The girls all jumped up enthusiastically in agreement and all seven of you walked to the car.


You sat at the bar drinking whatever the hell this was while the girls danced with their guys. This wasn't exactly the environmental you wanted to be in right now.
"What's the star of tonight doing alone at the bar?"
You looked up and saw your best friend Andy.
"Hey Andy!" You gave him a quick hug. "I'm so glad you made it."
"What? And miss all this?? This lifestyle is nothing like back home."
You and Andy have known each other since you were babies and to finally have him here in LA was incredible. You hadn't seen each other since the group grew big and seeing him again made all the hurt go away.
"Wow look at you! No more braces I see." You giggled. Andy was now tall dark and handsome like a prince out of a Disney movie.
"I can say the same for you. No more singing karaoke for the whole neighborhood. Now you're singing your own songs to the world! Proud is an understatement."
"Thanks." You smiled looking back at your drink.
"You never answered my question. Why are you all alone?" Andy sat down next to you.
"Being a downer. You know same old (y/n/n)."
"Nah, I remember you being energetic as hell growing up. I could hardly keep up with you, even at 8 years old!" The two of you laughed again.
"I haven't seen my boyfriend in a month, I won't see him until five more months, and seeing everyone happy with their special person just... sucks. I wish he was here."
"Well where is he?"
"He's on tour. He's the bassist of Def Leppard."
"Well look at you. Dating rock stars." Andy gave you a light push on the arm. "I understand it must suck but this is your night. Make the best of it. These moments only happen once. Besides. I'll be your special person for the night." Andy smiled bringing his arm out. You smiled as the two of you joined everyone on the dance floor.
"(Y/n/n)!!!" The girls yelled
"Ooh who's this cutie?" Meg looked over to Andy.
"This is Andy my best friend from back home." You yelled over the loud music.
"Photo!!" The photographer for the night jumped in front of the group of you and you all give a fun pose. You kissing Andy on the cheek, him acting shocked, Meg sticking her tongue out at the camera. Celeste giving a peace sign, and Ashley with her arms around Meg. This was going to be a great night.

Sav was sitting down with the guys noodling around on his bass until a magazine was slapped right down in front of him. He stopped, looked up, then back down to see what it was.
The world stopped.
Sav's face turned white.
His heart broke.
In front of him were the words "(y/f/n)'s new mystery man." In bold white letters with a photo of you two close and personal on the dance floor.

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