Chapter 9: Blood Runs Cold

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"Sav- please-" you begged, but the door slammed behind him before you even had the chance to say a full sentence. You stared at the door in silence jaw dropped in disbelief. This didn't just happen. This didn't just happen. But it did. You dropped to your knees and let out a sob.
Andy stood there in shock of his actions. He just ruined the best thing that happened to his best friend. It didn't matter how he felt. He just took away your happiness. Months of rekindled friendship gone after this.
"Oh god... (y/n) I-"
"Get out." You mumbled behind your hands.
"I'm so sor-"
You whipped your head around and screamed.  "GET OUT!"
"Okay!" He jumped and quickly ran towards the door.
"I'm sorry." He mumbled as he closed it.
Suddenly you were left alone in the big suite. You curled up on the floor and sobbed some more. This can't be real. It can't be. You couldn't believe what had just happened.
Sav immediately ran into Joe when he turned around.
"Hey I was just meaning to- woah- you alright mate?" Joe asked with a look of concern. "You look like you've just seen a ghost."
Sav stood their in silence with his hand covering his mouth. He closed his eyes, falling back into the wall behind him, sliding down the wall and landing there on the ground, lost in his thoughts to even say a word.
A single tear fell down Sav's face. Hard to see behind his long grown out bangs, but his best mate could tell, and he was really concerned now. He hadn't seen Sav cry since Steve died.
"She did it."
"Did what?"
"I caught her with her 'new mystery man'." Sav's voice cracked as he referenced the magazine articles.
Joe's heart broke as soon as he heard him speak those words. He loved you despite how much you two teased each other. You were like a little sister to him. He didn't want to believe it especially after how in love the two of you were. It didn't make sense.
"You were right Joe. Relationships do blow."
That hit Joe hard. He never wanted to hear his best friend say those words. That depressing love shit was his thing not Sav's.
Nothing seemed right about this whole thing but right now Joe knew that didn't matter. He pulled his best friend to his feet, wrapped an arm around him, and took him to his room.
After about a half hour your cries stopped. You went from crying hysterically to nothing. Just staring off into space.
Slowly you picked yourself up and crawled over to the phone. You picked up the receiver and dialed a number. The phone rang a few times until a cheerful voice picked up on the other side.
You swallowed hard. You missed that voice.
"Cee?" Your voice shook.
"(Y/n)? You sound like shit. Are you okay??" Your best friend responded with a tone of concern.
You let out a sob. "I'm not. I'm really not. I could really use my girls right now."
"Where are you?"
"We're on our way." No questions asked.
"Thank you." You sniffed.
"Babe, it's gonna be okay. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Just hang in there."
"Okay." You let out a shaky breath.
"Love you, okay?"
"Love you too."
That night you slept alone in Sav's suite. The pillow smelled just like him. A warm smell of vanilla and cigarettes. A sent you never thought you would find so homely until you met him. A single wet drop fell onto the pillow as you fell asleep holding it. Tight, like your life depended on it.

Meanwhile, down the hall, Joe was trying his best to watch over his heartbroken tipsy best friend in his room.

A loud thud filled the room as Sav finished up his fifth bottle and threw it to the side of the room. He reached for another but Joe stopped him with a worried smile.
"You know just as well as I do that we don't need another alcoholic in this band."
Sav glared at him. "One drunken night isn't going to make me an alcoholic Joe."
"Yeah but if I let you keep going you're gonna hate me for it tomorrow morning."
Sav continued glaring back at him. Never looking away. Joe sat back an stared right back with a winning smirk.
Before Joe could even comprehend what was happening Sav quickly grabbed a few more beers.
"Fuck- Sav!" Joe tried to grab the bottles as the bassist pulled them away but couldn't. The two friends chased each other around the room, dodging furniture until Sav jumped over the bed past joe, ran into the bathroom, and locked the door behind him.
Joe chased after him but was too late. He twisted the handle and pushed his body against the door but it wouldn't budge.
The vocalist sighed in defeat.
"Let me in Sav..."
Sav swallowed. Joe's tone was no longer joking, and neither was Sav.
Joe heard the click of the bottle opening. "No."
"Listen mate, I know it hurts like hell but don't shut me out, okay? Please?"
There was a long silence on the other side.
Joe sighed, sitting down in front of the door.
"I'm not going anywhere okay? I'll sit here all night if I have to." He spoke softly.
Sav opened his seventh bottle and sighed. No one was stopping him from getting wasted tonight.
"The shitty thing about all of this is that.... all I want is to be with her right now."  Sav whimpered.
Hearing the pain in his best friends voice absolutely broke him.
"I know mate, I know." Joe sighed.

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