Chapter 10: Where Does Love Go When It Dies?

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Alright I felt bad so I sucked it up and posted this garbage chapter. It contains a bunch of time jumps cause this is the part of the story that....has....those.
I hate it.
Anyway enjoy.
Or don't.
I can't make you feel.
Or can I? 👀
You awoke to a terrible migrane, probably from all the tears you shed last night. You groaned and turned over, not wanting to deal with life after yesterday. Until you noticed someone was knocking at the door.
You got up and opened it to see your three best friends standing there with a bottle of wine.
"Did we wake you? It's 2:00 in the afternoon!" CeeCee looked at you in shock.
"Shit- really??" You looked over at the clock, while the girls sat down on the bed.
CeeCee walked to the kitchen to pour some glasses "I'm guessing you don't want this since you just woke up." She smirked.
"Are you kidding? I'll take the whole bottle." You groaned throwing yourself back on the bed.
CeeCee handed the girls glasses then sat down and handed you yours.
"Alright, spill. I'm assuming this has something to do with Sav considering he's not here."
You sat up and sighed.
"Andy kissed me. Sav walked in on it."
"Oh for fucks sake. Are you serious?" Megan groaned.
"Oh babe, I'm so sorry." Ashley pulled you in for a hug.
"I'm okay." You breathed.
CeeCee sat down next to you and rubbed your back. "No you're not love..."
With that, your face tightened up and you broke.
"I just don't know what to do. I'm so lost without him." You cried into your hands.
The girls all gave you a big group hug, CeeCee and Ashley by your side, Megan from behind.
"Love, this isn't the end of you two. I can promise you that." Ashley replied, pulling away to look at you.
"H-how do you know?" You sniffed, wiping up your tears.
Ashley just smiled. "I can tell by the way he looks at you."
You looked around the room and noticed all of Sav's stuff was gone.
"Guess they left..." you sighed. That's it then. They're gone.
"Yeah they did." Megan replied.
"How do you know?" You asked confused.
"This note says so." Megan replied holding up a piece of paper.
"Megan! Why didn't you tell me?" You grabbed the note from her. It was from Rick.
"You never asked." Meg shrugged.

Sav slowly opened the door careful not to wake you, Rick followed carefully behind. Sav quietly walked over to grab his bags while Rick wrote something down on a piece of paper. Probably a message to you. Sav knew Rick's been taking care of you, and to be honest he was really thankful of Rick for doing that. Rick finished writing, and left the paper on the pad on the nightstand next to your bed.

We left early this morning. Sav grabbed his things while you were asleep. Call me at this number if you need anything. 210-5678
Please take care of yourself. Don't do anything stupid.
- Rick

Sav carefully sat down on the bed and looked at you. You looked so innocent and peaceful while you were asleep. Like your whole world hadn't just fallen apart. He wanted so badly to just kiss you and tell you everything was going to be okay, and maybe he would have. Until Rick walked in.
"Ready to go?" Rick whispered. Sav just nodded and got up and opened the door. He paused as he and Rick looked back at you.
"This whole thing is a mess, Sav." Rick sighed.
"I know." He whispered. "I just- I just need space to figure shit out. We both do. We'll go away for a while and it'll give us both time to breathe."
"Okay..." Rick replied.
The two boys picked up Sav's bags and walked out, quietly shutting the door behind them.
After a few minutes Megan came back into the room with four pints of ice cream. A cherry vanilla for you, chocolate fudge for CeeCee, mint chocolate chip for Ashley, and cookies and cream for Megan.
"I think someones in need for a girls night. I brought Ferris Bueller!" Megan waved the video in front of you guys.
"Ice cream, wine, and an iconic film, Megan you are wonderful." Ashley smiled.
"I try!" Megan replied putting the film in and crawling under the covers with the rest of you girls.
By the time the film ended you and the girls were fast asleep cuddled up together under the covers. Everything could be fixed by some girl time.
Little did you know, the media was already buzzing about the breakup of (y/n) and Rick Savage. How they knew already was beyond you, they always seem to be watching like a hawk.

Sav might as well have had steam coming out of his ears.
"Mate, you really gotta stop reading that shit." Joe spoke up from across the room.
Sav threw the magazine on the table and stormed out of the room.
(Y/n) and Rick Savage split, meet (Y/n)'s new man.
(Y/n) cheats on Rick Savage with mystery man.
It didn't matter that you and Andy weren't together. That's what the media believed and that's what they were going to stick with.

Joe and Rick both looked at each other with concern. Sav has been nothing but angry lately. He wasn't the same and to say it was worrying his bandmates was an understatement.

That year the new Def Leppard album Retro Active was released with the song Fractured Love on it. A result of bassist Rick Savage's painful heartbreak and anger. Something that didn't go unnoticed by you.

The music video for Miss You In A Heartbeat was released on MTV. You saw it. You waited for it. Just to see him again. It had now been a month since you last saw him, heard from him.
He looked good. Really good. Hair grown out long, black shirt halfway open, and his electric bass replaced with an upright. He looked like something out of a movie. It was cruel.
You went on tour for six months, you partied, you met people, you had your mind off things, you've moved on.

Sav on the other hand was back from tour and home alone.
He watched you perform with the girls on tv.
He saw your interviews.
He couldn't move on. He didn't want to.

You were in your hotel room when you received the call. Apparently your manager gave him the number.
"S-Sav?" You breathed out. The sound of his voice brought all those emotions rushing back.
"Hi, uh how've you been?" He sounded nervous. Since when did the two of you become so uncomfortable with each other?
"I'm alright. A bit tired. Tours kicking my ass." You laughed nervously.
"Yeah I get that."
You slid down the wall to sitting on the floor, twisting the phone wire around your finger as a long silence passed.
"Yeah Sav?"
There was a pause, like he was considering what he was about to say.
"...I miss you like hell."
You let out a sigh.
"I miss you too Sav."
"Where are you? Let's meet up. Let's-let's fix things. I can-"
"Sav." You cut in.
"Yeah?" He sounded hopeful.
"I don't think that's a good idea."
Sav felt his whole wrold crumble.
"W-why not?" He didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to believe his fear.
"I've moved on Sav, I'm focusing on my music. I'm focusing on me. I'm really happy right now... I-I'm sorry."
No no this wasn't supposed to happen.
"Yeah, no of course. That's great. I'm glad you're happy. You deserve it." He was just rambling at this point. He just wanted to get out of this situation. He felt sick.
"I have to go."
"Sav wait-"
Sav quickly put the phone back on the receiver.
Your heart hurt.
You hadn't really fully moved on. But you wanted to. You had to, but that phone call set back lots of progress you've made.
And to make things worse you decided to clear your head by discovering a new world in the book you were reading.
You loved that about books. Whenever you didn't like the world you were in, you went to a new one.
You picked up a book you left unfinished from months ago and out fell a photo. You looked down at where it fell and froze. It was the picture you took of Sav in the car.
You set the book to the side and picked it up to look at it. You felt your heart flutter. All those emotions came rushing back.
It was the photo where Sav had his leg up like he was trying to kick the camera out of your hand. He had his big beautiful bright smile shown as he giggled at you. That moment felt like just yesterday. You felt yourself crumble.
Dammit Sav, why can't you just let me go?
If you can't tell we're at the part of the story that I physically cannot write. I have some more drama ready for the next chapter though so get ready.
Apologies for the wait. I started camp and the kids really wear me out. 😫
Also I hated this chapter. I'm glad it's over.
Until next time.
- me

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