Chapter 4: Hysteria

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It's officially been 3 months since you last saw each other.
You shifted anxiously as you listened to the phone ring. Touring and promo of course got in the way but a small voice in the back of your mind was saying something was wrong.
"Hello?" A groggy voice picked up the phone.
"Hi baby...did I wake you?" You spoke softly.
"It's alright love, don't worry about it. You okay? What's up?"
"I just miss you. A lot. We haven't talked in a while."
Sav sighed. "Yeah I know love, it's been a bit busy over here."
"I know, I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry, I miss you too."
That made you smile and lifted the weight off your shoulders. Three months was too long, and you still have three more. You longed to be with him again. To wake up to his warm arms wrapped around you. To run your hands through his long curly hair that he wouldn't let anyone else touch but you. To just see him smile again. That beautiful smile you fell in love with. How you'd do anything just to see that smile again.
"Hey, we're playing Sheffield this Sunday and it's going to be aired on the television if you'd like to see it!" Sav seemed to smile a bit through the phone.
"Of course! I'll get the girls and everyone all together to watch! That's our day off in London! We'll have a viewing party!" You lightened up completely. You loved seeing the boys perform and were absolutely gutted that you couldn't come out to see them.
"I guess I'll have to make sure this performance is perfect then." Sav gave a cheeky reply.
"You better, if I'm going to be showing off my boyfriend to everyone you better not embarrass me!" The two of you giggled which turned into a bit of an awkward silence.
"So uhm. How's promo? What have you been up to? Who have you been hanging with? How are the girls? What's going on?" Sav questioned.
"Oh! Well promo has been going well, kinda exhausted and over all the interviews but everyone's
doing alright, can't be nearly as exhausting as what you guys are doing."
Sav laughed at that. "It isn't too bad. I still really enjoy performing. I just might be getting too old for these year and a half long tours."
You laughed at that comment.
"Aw Sav's becoming an old man!"
"I am! Can you believe I'll be 33 this year? Geez!"
"Well babe, 30s look good on you." You giggled.
"Ha, thanks love."
"Oh I forgot to tell you! I met up with an old friend!" You jumped with excitement. How could you forget to tell Sav about Andy? You've been dying to tell him since the release party.
"Oh did ya?" Sav replied with curiosity.
"Yepp! His name's Andy! We were best friends growing up and just recently reconnected! He's been hang out with us during promo!"
Sav sat up in bed at that. He? Would this Andy so happen to be this mystery guy he's seen with (y/n) all over the papers?
"Oh yeah? When did you guys meet up?" Sav asked his full attention on the conversation.
"The album release party! We spent all night reconnecting!"
Ding ding ding.
Sav let out a sigh in relief. It really was nothing. Of course it was nothing. (Y/n) would never hurt him like that. In fact Sav was mentally scolding himself for even thinking she ever would. She's had his back for years. They both love each other too much to ever even think about hurting one another and he knows that.
"That's great love, I look forward to meeting him sometime." Sav smiled.
"I told him all about you! I can't wait to show him you guys playing on Sunday! I'm so excited!" You shrieked with excitement. Nothing was more exciting to you then getting to show off Sav to your friends. You couldn't help it. You were so proud of him.
"When we play Hysteria I'll be thinking of you. Although, I always think of you during that song."
"Aw Sav..." you remembered when he first brought the song to you...

"Hey love, I have something to show you." Your new boyfriend Rick Savage smiled shyly to you. Sitting on the bench of the back deck in the cold fall breeze.
It was beautiful out and you decided to join him. Although not without wrapping yourself up in a big warm blanket.
"Yeah? What is it?" You smiled back. Sitting down in the chair across from him.
"I wrote you a song."
"No you didn't!" You gasped
"I did!"
"Yepp! I did and I'm going to play it for you like in those cheesy love movies!"
"Yeah? What's it called?" You met his blue eyes.
"Hysteria. Rick named it after his accident. We just finished. I think that's what we're going to call the album too."
"Hmm Hysteria, I like it!"
"Mutt wants to make it the next Thriller. I think he's crazy." Sav laughed
"Hey, anything's possible! Now quit stallin and let me hear this song!"
Sav smiled. "Alright but I'm no Joe Elliott when it comes to singing so be kind."
Sav picked up the acoustic he had leaning up against the bench and began playing.

"Out of touch, out of reach, yeah
You could try to get closer to me
I'm in luck, I'm in deep, yeah
Hypnotized, I'm shakin' to my knees..."

You smiled listening to the song. No one's ever written a song about you before. It feels wonderful and real. Having someone open up their feelings to you in their art, something that reveals to you what words can't always do.

"I gotta know tonight
If you're alone tonight
Can't stop this feeling
Can't stop this fight
Oh, I get hysterical, hysteria
Oh can you feel it, do you believe it?
It's such a magical mysteria
When you get that feelin', better start believin'
'Cause it's a miracle, oh say you will, ooh babe
Hysteria when you're near..."

Your eyes met his blue ones as he played the song, and he didn't have the voice Joe had, or the voice Ashley, or the rest of the girls had, but his was just as beautiful. It was the most beautiful voice in the world to you. It was the voice of the man who just so happened the capture your heart.

"'Cause it's a miracle, oh say you will, ooh babe
Say you will..."

Sav slowly ended the song, shyly looking up at you as he finished. You had no words, there was nothing coming out as you guys stared back at each other. Sav shyly shifted in his seat.
"So, uhm what did you think?" He asked awkwardly.
You still couldn't make words. So instead you pushed the blanket off you and stood up without saying a word. Sav's eye's followed your movements. You slowly picked up his guitar from off his lap and set it to the side. Then sat down in his lap, placed your hands softly on his cheeks and pulled him in for a deep kiss. The feeling you felt for this man was unexplainable.
"So... I take it you liked the song?" Sav smiled once the two of you pulled away.
"I loved it. I love you." You exclaimed not even realizing what was coming out of your mouth, but the look on Sav's face said you said something pretty big.
"You-you do?"
You just told Sav you loved him. You've never told anyone you loved them before. The thought of loving someone scared the hell out of you and there you went and said it like it was the easiest thing in the world, because it wasn't hard to say. It was true.
"I...I do." You smiled softly.
Sav's shocked look turned into a huge smile.
"I love you too (y/n/n)!" He exclaimed pulling you in for another long kiss. You opened your mouth so the kiss could deepen as you moved your hands into your lovers blonde curls.
You slowly released of the kiss and rested your foreheads against each other.
"You're really something Rick Savage." You whispered.
"Yeah?" Sav whispered back.
"Yeah." You smiled bringing him back in for another long passionate kiss.

"You're really something Rick Savage." You smiled remembering it all.
Sav chuckled "yeah?"
"I love you, ya know that?" Sav spoke softly.
"I love you too." You replied. "I won't keep you. You're probably exhausted."
"Yeah, but it was nice hearing your pretty voice again."
You smiled. God you missed him.
"Goodnight love."
You stayed on the line feeling a sense of comfort knowing he was still there until he eventually hung up.
It's short i'm sorry but it's 4am here and I've been up all night cause I felt so bad that I haven't posted in forever. So here it is. Next chapter will be MUCH sooner! Promise!
- Kat

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