Chapter 7: Dangerous

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Sav was awakened by a knock on the door. You were already up and brushing your teeth in the bathroom. It was now later in the day since you landed in Sendai.
Sav grumbled and crawled out of bed in only boxers and opened the door. You walked out of the bathroom to see who it was.
Behind the door was Joe Elliott who took one glance at you in Sav's t-shirt and panties and him in only his boxers and smirked.
You chuckled and walked back into the bathroom to spit out your toothpaste and wash your brush.
Sav rolled his eyes. "We took a nap Joe, what do you want?"
"Ahh yes a nap, we have to leave for the interview in about an hour so be ready."
"Alright thanks, mate." Sav replied, closing the door.
You walked over and wrapped your arms around him.
"Have to leave so soon?" You smiled.
"Yeah, band stuff." He smirked and kissed you on the cheek. "You can come with if you'd like?"
"Oh no, I don't want to get in the way. Besides, I promised I'd call the girls as soon as I got here."
Sav wrapped his arms around you and kissed you on the head.
"You're never in the way, love."
He then walked over to pull on a plain white t-shirt, jeans and his shoes.
You stood there watching him, admiring him. He quickly grabbed everything he needed and walked over to the door where you were standing.
He stopped in front of you and gave you a smile. You pushed his long grown out bangs out of his eyes.
"Your hair has gotten so long, it's longer then mine!"
"Yeah I'm thinking my long hair has seen it's last days." Your eyes grew wide when you heard that.
"You gonna cut it short?"
"I'm considering it."
"Sav, I think the world just might explode if you do that." You laughed. He chuckled with you.
"Even though I'm in love with your long hair and super jealous of it, I know you'll look hot as hell either way." You winked at him.
"Yeah? Think so?" He smirked.
"Know so, I've got a sexy boyfriend." You replied walking around him and giving him a slap on his behind.
Sav turned around and gave you a mischievous look. "You stay here, I'll be back in a few hours okay?"
"I'll be here." You gave an innocent smile.
He shook his head with a smile of disbelief muttering "you drive me mad, women." as he walked out the door.
Once Sav was gone you jumped over to the messy bed and picked up the phone to call the girls hotel room.
"Hello?" CeeCee picked up.
"Hey babe!" You smiled.
"I've been waiting for your call! Hold on a sec lemme get the girls."
There was a pause on the line until you heard the girls on the other line.
"Hey (y/n/n)!" Ashley yelled.
"(Y/n/n)!!" Meg yelled at the same time causing you to giggle.
"Hi girls! I miss you all already!"
"Aww, you little liar you're having the time of your life over there." Megan replied.
You laughed. "Maybe..."
"How was the ride over?" Ashley asked.
"It kinda sucked but I slept through most of it."
"Ah yes, Japan flights are the worst. Way too long from Heathrow." Meg replied.
"So what's going on over there? Is the promo over?" You asked, still feeling bad for leaving them.
"We have our last interview in a few hours then we get some time off before we get ready for tour." CeeCee spoke.
"I honestly feel awful for leaving you girls."
"Oh rubbish, you'd do the same for us." Megan replied.
"Yeah, you're right." You smiled.
"Aww well enjoy your time love, we have to get ready for that interview." Ashley poked in.
"Alright, love you girls! I'll call you again later."
"Alright, love you too!" CeeCee sang.
"Love you! Bye!" Ashley and Megan said together.
Then the line went silent. You sat around for a bit bored out of your mind until you drifted off somewhere else. How was Andy doing? You hadn't heard from him in a while. You laid back on the bed and picked up the phone again calling Andy's hotel room. He should still be in London.
"Andy hi!"
"(Y/n)! Where have you been?!"
"I made an emergency trip to Sendai, Japan." You giggled.
"Emergency boyfriend trip?" He asked.
"Mmmaybe?" You sang.
He laughed on the other side. "That's great (y/n/n) I'm glad you finally got to see him again."
"Me too. Hey! You should come down to meet him and see the guy perform in person! Ever been to Japan?" You smiled.
"I haven't even left the east coast until you flew me out to London." He smiled back on the other line. Something about you made him smile like that.
"Well, you think you'd be up to it?" You replied.
"Uh hell yeah!"
"Perfect." You took a pause to think for a moment. "How does June 20th in Tokyo sound?"
"Sounds like a dream. " he continued to smile.
"Great! I'll let the girls know to have our manager get your a flight ticket and I'll get you a room here. Be prepared. The flight sucks."
Andy laughed. "No problem can't wait!"
"Me too! I miss my friend! The girls want to come down sometime soon too."
"Ah! You're honestly incredible (y/n). I can't wait!"
"I'll see you here in two weeks then!"
"Alright see ya!"
And then you put the phone back on the receiver.
You spoke to Sav about it as soon as he got back.
"Can't wait to meet your friend." He smiled softly.
Although you couldn't quite put your finger on it, something didn't seem right in his smile.
When two weeks hit, you sent a car down to pick up Andy who you met in the hotel lobby.
You immediately smiled. "Hey!"
He smiled back when he saw you. "Hey, girl!"
You both gave each other a big hug.
"I already have your key so you're all good to go."
"Oh wow, sweet." He replied in shock.
"So how was the flight?" You asked as you pressed the button on the elevator and stepped in.
"Uhh." He laughed.
You laughed back "I get it. I'm so excited for you to be here, the guys play tomorrow, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Then they get a break for a bit until June 30th when they fly to America."
"Wow, I can't even imagine living this life." He replied.
"Yeah, it's exhausting but it's what we love to do. I couldn't see myself doing anything else." You smiled the walked out the door when the elevator stopped.
You walked down the long hallway until you made it to Andy's suite.
"Here you are!" You said while opening the door.
"Holy shit. This is huge." Andy eyes all but popped out of his head.
"Anything for a friend. I'll let you settle in for a bit then come back later!" You smiled.
"Uhg! You're incredible!" He groaned in satisfaction laying down on the bed. "Thank you so much! You really didn't have to do all of this." Andy replied looking a bit guilty.
"Please, don't worry about it! See ya in a bit." You smiled and walked out of the room.
"She brought him here." Sav spoke out breaking the long relaxing silence between his bandmates, besides the sound of strumming of course from Joe, Viv, and Phil.
Phil looked up from noodling on his guitar.
"What was that Sav?"
Sav got up from laying down on Joe's bed.
"(Y/n), she brought the guy from the magazines."
"Oh, you alright with that?" Phil expressed concern for his mate.
"I never talked to her about it." Sav sighed.
Joe groaned.
"Sav, mate you gotta talks to her about this stuff. She would want to know if something was bothering you." Rick cut in before Joe made a comment. He just got off the phone from a not so nice call with Karla. The boys have been there for support all day.
"I know I just, she seemed so happy to have her friend back and I don't want her to think I don't trust her. I do, it's him I don't trust." Sav sighed.
"Tell her that!" Rick replied.
"Tell her that, she'll just get all pissy." Joe rolled his eyes.
"Piss off Joe." Rick hit him with a pillow.
"You guys are right, I should talk to her." Sav said getting up.
"Good boy!" Phil smiled.
"We'll be here, taking care of this one." Rick said motioning towards Joe.
Joe just crossed his arms and grumbled to himself.
Sav smiled. "Feel better, mate." He then left out the door to find you.

But when he got to the room you weren't there. A note laid on the bed with the words "Out with Andy, be back late. <3 -(y/n)" scratched on it.
Sav sighed. So much for spending time with you.
Sav crumbled up the note and threw it to the side of the room, laid down in bed and turned on the tv. Better to stay here then have two pissed off Leppard's in one room.
When you got back to the room it was about 3am and you were definitely pissed drunk. You snuck inside trying to keep quiet until you ran into the corner of the table.
"Ow, fuck!" You whisper yelled grabbing your leg in pain.
"(Y/n)?" Sav replied sleepily, sitting up in bed, rubbing his eyes. "Are you just getting back? What time is it?"
"Uhm j-just a bit later then expected but i-its alright. You slurred.
"Are you drunk?" Sav groaned, still half asleep.
"Yeahhh maybe a l-little." You giggled.
Sav frowned. He had no problem with a few drinks. He got tipsy all the time but after the tragedies the band had faced with alcohol he never wanted to see someone he cared about get this drunk again.
You started to try and remove your dress but stumbled. Sav sighed and quickly got out of bed to help you. He unzipped the dress and slid it down, revealing your body to him.
You turned around to see the curly haired man staring, almost examining you.
You giggled. "Savvyyy you want me dontcha!"
Sav sighed. He really did want you.
He swallowed hard. "No." He looked up at you seriously.
"Why not?" You frowned.
"You're drunk."
"So?" As if on key you made a face and ran to the bathroom, throwing up everything from that night.
Before you knew it, Sav was at your side holding your hair out of your face and rubbing your back as you continued to throw up into the toilet.

When you finished you sat back down as Sav pulled you into his arms.
"You okay?" He mumbled, pushing a lock of hair behind your ear. You were silent for a while.
"I'm sorry." You finally spoke, beginning to sober up and realizing he wasn't happy with the situation.
"It's okay, love." He continued to rub your back. "You can make it up to me by coming to bed." He gave you a soft smile, then pulled you up to your feet.
You both eventually made it to the bed. You laid your head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. You started drifting off to sleep as soon as your head hit his warm bare chest. While Sav was up most of the night with his thoughts.

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