Chapter 11: Long Long Way To Go

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I'm so sorry this is so late. I've been sick for two weeks and my town was completely underwater from a storm a few days ago so it's been insane. But it's here now.
The song Long Long Way To Go is supposedly to go with this chapter, listen to it while reading to get the feels. I would have probably named the story this if it wasn't for the time differences.
Anyway enjoy!
Another month had passed and things were going how they were supposed to be.
It was at a bar where Sav met her. A beautiful blonde that Joe helped him meet.
Her name was Sabrina.
She wore her hair long and messy with dark eyeshadow and a black leather jacket. She was sitting alone drinking a pint and reading a book. Unusual for someone at a bar. Perhaps thats why Sav was so interested in her.
Of course Sav came up with excuses at first but Joe couldn't watch his friend be like this anymore. Even if Joe strongly believed all of this was wrong and he should be with you.
"If you're not going to be with (y/n), at least go and have some fun. You're allowed to ya know?" Joe elbowed him.
"No." Sav grumbled.
Joe sighed. "Sav, I'm not asking you to ask her out right away. I'm just telling you to talk to her for a bit."
Sav groaned then tossed back the rest of his pint and sighed. Guess it wouldn't hurt.
"Fine. You win."
"There ya go mate!" Joe slapped him on the back.
Sav sighed.
"What do I even say to her?? I don't even remember how to approach a girl anymore it's been so long." Sav groaned.
"Just compliment her Sav, you'll be fine and if your words don't work your looks will." Joe smiled.
"Thank." Sav rolld his eyes.
"It's true, it's the perks of being the pretty one. Now go get em!" Joe urged.
"Yeah, Yeah." Sav sighed and walked over to her.

"Uhm, excuse me."
She looked up noticing Sav and smiled, quickly folding the corner of the page and closting it. Giving Sav her full attention.
She gave him a bright smile. "Hi! What's up?"
She is beautiful. Sav thought looking at her matching blue eyes.
"Uh... is uhm this seat taken?"
Sabrina looked over and saw a man with wavy blonde hair watching them. Then casually look away.
Ahh I see what's going on here. Sabrina smiled more.
"Not at all, please sit." She pushed her book to the side as Sav sat down.
"What's your name?" Sabrina asked.
"Rick, Rick Savage. Everyone calls me Sav though."
"You don't happen to be Rick Savage of Def Leppard do you?" Sabrina gave a smirk while taking a sip of her drink.
"That depends, you like Def Leppard?" Sav smiled.
"I do." Sabrina returned the same smile.
"Then yepp that's me."
Sabrina laughed. "I'm Sabrina. It's nice to meet you. Quick question. Is your friend over there going to be watching us all night?"
Sav's eyes grew wide as he quickly whipped his head around and mouthed 'Fuck off!' to Joe. Joe replied with a mouthed 'Sorry!' And turned around.
Sav turned back around face red with embarrassment. "Uh sorry about him."
Sabrina giggled. "It's no problem. You're very sweet."
Sav smiled. "Thank you."
Sabrina rested her head on her hand. "So tell me what's your story?"
"My story?" Sav asked.
"Well I saw you guys earlier and you didn't seem too happy. And your friend over there looks like he was trying to get you to talk to me."
Sav looked at her shocked.
"I'm a bit of an observer." She winked.
Sav smiled. "Well I got out of a serious relationship about a month and a half ago. And he's helping me get back on my feet and meet new people. He's also obnoxious."
Sabrina laughed again. Her laugh was beautiful too.
"What else? Everyone has their own story too."
"Hmm well, I'm a bassist in one of the biggest rock bands in the world, my favorite band is queen, I was almost a professional soccer player on a team I hate, I'm the youngest of three, and I don't have a middle name. How's that?"
Sabrina continued to laugh.
"That was great."
Sav just smiled at her.
"You have a beautiful laugh."
She blushed and smiled back.
"And smile."
"Well aren't you a charmer."
"I try. How am I doing?" He asked with a smirk.
"Pretty good. You won my number." She nodded grabbing a napkin and a pen from her bag.
"Nice." Sav cheered as she handed the number to him, sliding it in his pocket.
"Well what about you? What's your story?"
"I'm a photographer from New York trying to find work, My favorite color is red, I don't have any siblings, and uhm... that's about it."
"A photographer? That's very interesting! You'll have to show my your work sometime." Sav took a sip of his pint.
"Yeah? How about I show you next time?" She smiled.
"Next time?" He returned the smile. "Next time it is."
Sabrina laughed.
"I should really get going. You should think about using that number." She got up to grabbed her bag.
Sav got up with her.
"I think I just might."
She reached out and shook his hand.
"Well it was nice to meet ya, Sav."
He smiled.
"You too."

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