Chapter 6: The First Day Exam

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An important detail I forgot to mention was that you replace Mineta in the story. Of all the people that could be replaced in the story, Mineta was the obvious pick.

Enjoy chapter 6!


Your first test was a fifty meter dash.

Tsuyu and Iida were up first.

They lined up next to one another and when Aizawa blew the whistle, Iida took off, leaving Tsuyu in the dust.

His calfs were smoking. Twelve engine holes lined his legs. Running was this man's specialty.

The brown haired girl who was revealed as Ochaco Uraraka, was able to remove the gravitational pull of any object she touches.

She was up against Mashirao Ojiro who had a large tail emerging from his back. He beat Ochaco by a few seconds.

Next up was Yuga Aoyama and Mina Ashido. Yuga had a laser that fired from his belly button and Mina was able to create an acid like substance with her body.

Yuga fired his lazer at the start of the match to gain a large lead but was cut off short by his lazer failing. Mina skated by him with her acid, just barely beating him.

Bakugo and Izuku Midoria were the next runners. Izuku didn't use his quirk so you didn't get to see what it was.

Bakugo swiftly beat Izuku by using the same technique he used to quickly steal your points at the exam.

More and more of your classmates displayed their quirks in a the test of speed. You were up against Eijiro Kirishima. His quirk was to harden his body like rock so he didn't do anything to himself to ensure that he was running at full speed. You on the other hand energized yourself like a battery ready to explode. The amount of energy flowing through your legs was enough to break solid ground, that's exactly what you did.

You lined up with Kirishima and bolted past him at top speed. The raw kinetic energy forced from your legs and into the ground gave you an even faster burst of speed.

You clocked in at 4.9 seconds. Kirishima had 6.7 seconds.


The second test was of grip strength. There was nothing your quirk could do here so you squeezed the device as hard as you could. You got 59.02 kg.

You: Ah great... physical strength, not my specialty.


Next was the standing long jump.

Many of your class mates cleared the entire pit, you were one of them.

You levitated your own body over the sand and onto the other side, gaining a maximum score.


The next test was repeated side steps.

You applied the same strategy to the jumps that you had done with the sprint.

Your score came out as 150 jumps in thirty seconds.


The ball throw was next, you and Ochaco applied the same strategies just in different ways. You levitated the ball straight into the stratosphere while she touched the ball and let it soar infinitely.

One big event how ever was with the Izuku kid.

He prepped to throw the ball but as it left his hand, the ball only went a low score of 46 meters.

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