Chapter 19: Hand-To-Hand

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Water lightly trickles from the sky as you make your way through the woods. Your shoes slosh with each step you take due to the wet, slightly muddy forest floor.

Tsuyu and Kirishima were at your side like always.

You all arrive in the clearing where Kirishima had brought you many times before to train.

The school bags were placed on a large nearby rock to keep them from getting muddy.

You: So what's this all about? You both seem to have a big plan set up for today.

Kirishima: I wouldn't call it big, just really violent and possibly dangerous!

You: Thaaaaats reassuring.

Tsuyu: Kirishima thought it was a good idea for the two of you to have an all out brawl... I didn't agree.

Kirishima: We'll be fiiiiiine! As long as both of us follow the rules, this should be a good learning experience.

You: What exactly do you mean by an all out brawl?

Kirishima: Okay so you and I have been training nonstop lately, especially you because of your tutoring. I had the idea of us going against each other in simple hand to hand combat to fully test out how far we've come.

You: Fighting against you would be like slamming my head on a brick wall thinking I can break it. Litterally and figuratively.

Kirishima: And that's why I came up with some rules!

Tsuyu: This is such a bad idea...

Kirishima: We're gonna do a simple fistfight with our quirks. Nothing special right? But! If you use your quirk only to increase the speed and power of your attacks, and I only use my quirk for defense, maybe we can strengthen ourselves by beating each other down! My skin will get tougher and your punches will get stronger! And this rain will make it EVEN BETTER!

You: This is probably the dumbest yet simultaneously the smartest idea you've had yet... LETS DO IT!

Tsuyu: You're BOTH going to die.

You and Kirishima: DON'T CARE!

Tsuyu sighs.

Tsuyu: I expect this from Kirishima but not you (R/N) Ribbit.

You: Wait, why are you even here?

Tsuyu: So I can be a witness to this stupidity. In case somebody gets very injured.

Kirishima: She insisted on coming.

Tsuyu leans back on a nearby tree. Ready for the two of you to start.

Kirishima: Don't worry about us, we'll stop before anything goes too far.

Kirshima takes off his shirt and throws it onto the muddy ground.

You: Um...

Kirishima: You know I fight better with my shirt off.

He starts to stretch.

You: Yeah... whatever you say man...

Kirishima: One last thing I forgot to mention, no using your quirk to levitate things. Only your body is allowed. No holding back!

You: I'll do my best!

Tsuyu: One of you is gonna snap their necks.

You stand face to face.

Kirishima: Ready?

Kirishima slams his hands together. The rain forced his usually spiky hair to droop down over his head.

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