Charter 24: Only Human

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The appartment Phoebe lived in was only a few stories tall. It was surrounded by cameras and the local police station was right across the street.

The sun was starting to set.

She takes you into an elevator after swiping a key card to open it and selects the top floor.

The doors open into a hallway with three separate metal doors scattered on the walls. She walks to the one at the farthest end of the hall and swipes her card once more into a slot above the handle to unlock it.

Phoebe: Welcome to my humble abode.

She swings the door open and flips a switch next to the entrance.

The apartment was huge. It was painted white with matching furniture and a cherry wood floor. A large window that took up the entire space on the opposite wall to the door gave a gorgeous view of the city as the sun was setting over the horizon.

Papers and boxes were scattered all across the living room.

Phoebe: Pardon the mess. I would have cleaned up if I knew what was going to happen today.

You: What is all this stuff?

Phoebe: Police reports. Photos. Files on villains. That sort of stuff. I've been all over trying to track down Yato.

You: What- What is the story behind you and Yato?

Phoebe thinks for a moment.

Phoebe: I was the one who put him in prison... I was there at Kensaki.

You: You were? I thought Endeavor was the one who arrested him.

Phoebe: That's what the media reported. The truth is, Endeavor showed up only for the clean up. I took down Yato with help from Aizawa.

You: Oh... I never knew that...

Phoebe: This is what I ment by the media not liking us.

She shakes her head and changes the topic.

Phoebe: Anyways, you'll stay in my spare room.

She takes you to a room adjacent to the living room.

There was a large, semicircular white bed in the center of a room filled with boxes. It was much larger than your small twin sized bed back at home.

Phoebe: I use this room for storage most of the time so I apologize for all the boxes.

You lay back on the bed to see how soft it was. Your body sunk into the memory foam.

You: Wow! This is comfortable!

Phoebe: I'm glad you like it.

You hear a knock from the living room.

Phoebe leaves to greet whoever was at the door. You follow close behind.

Phoebe: Who is it?

???: Shota.

Phoebe opens the door to reveal Mr.Aizawa standing on the other side. He stares blankly into the living room straight at you.

Aizawa: Um...

Phoebe: Remember me telling you that someone was going to be staying with me for awhile?

Aizawa let's out a long, winded sigh.

Aizawa: And here I thought I could escape my students for awhile.

He enters the apartment, setting down a box full of papers onto the coffee table infront of the white couch.

Aizawa: These are all the reports from today's incident. Sightings, camera photos, etcetera.

Aizawa looks back to you.

Aizawa: I'm sorry for what happened to your mother today. I swear that we're doing our best to catch Yato.

Phoebe leaves to enter her bedroom.

You: Don't be sorry, theres nothing anyone could have done. I've got no doubt that you're doing everything you can. Thank you Mr.Aizawa.

Phoebe walks out of her bedroom with a long silk gown in her arms.

Phoebe: It's not exactly men's clothing but I think you'll be able to wear this for tonight while I wash your school clothes. I don't want you to have to go to school tomorrow in dirty clothing.

She gives you the garments.

You: Um, thanks... I think I'm going to head to bed. A lot has happened today and I'm very tired.

Phoebe: Just leave your clothes outside of the door. They'll be clean by tomorrow.

You enter your new room and change into the strange dress like gown.

You: Okay, it's weird but very comfortable... is this seriously what women get to wear?

You slightly open the door to slide your dirty clothes outside without being seen by Phoebe or Aizawa. Then you turn out the lights and lay on the bed, swiftly drifting off to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~Hours later~~~~~~~~

You wake up to a still dark room. The digital clock next to the bed read '2:43 a.m'. Quiet talking from the living room between Aizawa and Phoebe peaked your curiosity.

You get out of bed and silently crack open your door to listen in on the conversation.

They were both sitting on the couch with bags under their eyes.

Phoebe: What do we do? This is getting out of hand. People are getting hurt and now one of our students is a target. The Leauge of Villains isn't helping either. I'm just-

She buries her face into her hands.

Phoebe: I'm scared Shota... I don't think I can face him again. (R/N) certainly isn't ready to take him on either.

Aizawa: (R/N) has nothing to do with this. He's just a kid.

Phoebe: No. No he isn't. Not anymore. Yato knows he's a psychic and will stop at nothing to get his hands on him.

Her breathing gets very heavy and her hands tremble.

Phoebe: I can't do it again.

Aizawa wraps his arms around her in an embrace doing his best to comfort her.

Aizawa: We both knew the responsibilities that came with this job Phoebe. If we back down now... he'll win. Fighting is our only option.

Phoebe: I know-

She chokes on her words.

Phoebe: Please don't leave me again. I can't do this without you.

Phoebe starts to sob on Aizawa's shoulder.

You: This is really getting to her... some days I forget that heros are people too.

Not wanting to see anymore, you close the door and lay back down in bed with a new perspective on Phoebe's mental state.

You: I'm a target...

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