Optional Chapter: Jiro 2

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Alone in her room, Jiro strums away at one of her many guitars while murmuring the lyrics to a song she just come up with. It was difficult for her to focus on playing because her phone, which was laying on the bed next to her, would vibrate every minute or so from a new text, distracting her long enough to where she would forget the words to the song. 

Normally, it would be near impossible to get Jiro to stop playing an instrument after she started, but as of late her focus was drawn away from music and onto something else. Something she deemed to more interesting...

Her phone vibrates again. 

Phone: 1 New Message: (R/N) 

Jiro's heart flutters when seeing your name pop up on her screen. For the past few days, you and Jiro had been talking non-stop over text. Your conversations would start off as something silly then develop into a serious talk about recent events. Jiro did her best to talk to you in person, but she was constantly afraid of saying something embarrassing or offensive. Her mind would race when talking to you one on one, leading her to accidentally stall mid-conversation.

You (Message): Okay so uh... don't be mad at me...

Jiro (Message): Why would I be mad? What happened? Did you lock yourself out of your room again?

You (Message): No... No... I learned my lesson last time. You remember that music player you got me for Christmas? 

Jiro (Message): Of course I do. Did you break it?

You (Message): No! I would be devastated if I did that. I actually lost it...

Jiro (Message): You lost it?! How? 

You (Message): Well, I was using it down in the common area, set it down for a moment to use the restroom, and then POOF! It was gone!

Jiro (Message): Have you tried looking for it?

You (Message): Yeah... I was actually wondering if you could come give me a hand... 

Jiro (Message): I'll be right down! 

Jiro unslings her guitar from her shoulders, puts on a pair of slippers, and leaves her room. 

On her way down the common area, she passes Mina in the hallway. 

Mina: Where are you going in such a rush?

Jiro: Too uh- Go help- Uh- Tsuyu with some uh- homework-

Mina: Homework? Aizawa hasn't assigned any in a week...

Jiro's face turns bright red. She didn't mean to lie to Mina about going to help you, it was just her panicking mind entering a defensive state. 

Jiro: I-I gotta go!

Jiro speed walks away from Mina, leaving her both confused and curious. 

Mina: Hm... I wonder...

Mina smiles to herself and walks in the opposite direction. 

~~~Common Area~~~

You watch as Jiro walks into the common area's living room. She looked a bit flustered. 

Jiro: Hi, I'm here. So, where did you last see it?

You: I placed it on the Kitchen counter and walked away. Then when I came back, it was gone. 

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