Chapter 14

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i woke up at 6:30 to get ready for my date with Dante, he texted me last night and told me to get ready he was going to pick me up the first thing in the morning. 

i got ready and head downstairs to the kitchen only to find Dante and my parents talking, i cough  to make myself known and all their heads turn my way, Dante has a million dollar smile plaster on his lips as he eyes me, and my outfit i wore a black casual dress with light makeup i decided to curl my hair a bit and put on some black heels. 

i make my way to sit next to Dante and eat breakfast, while Dante and my parents chat about my past which i am dying to get myself out. after i am done with breakfast Dante led me out and bid goodbye to my parents i did the same and now i am on to my very first date with Dante.

Dante blind folded me halfway through the road to our mystery destinations, it has been 20 minutes when the car seem to have slow down. 

Dante got out of the car and help me out we walk somewhere were a cheerful almost an amusement sound track was playing. he got behind me and took the blind fold off and this is the last place that i expect we would spend our first ever date together, i look at him questionably and he answer "well since High school i wasn't able to bring you here and have a normal teenage date so i thought why not do it now?, besides its not that late".

Dante led me to the parks and got our tickets which might i add a VIP one, which we can go on any ride we want without waiting, which i am very thankful for. for the whole day we spend on going around riding rides i almost threw up on the roller coaster which Dante laughs his heads off. we sat down on one of the park benches and i was thirsty so i excuse myself to go and buy some smoothie for us.

as i return there were girls swarming Dante, pushing their chest up to him, twirling their hairs please.. i rolled my eyes but as i got closer they look awfully familiar, i stop in my tracks as i remember who those girls are... Ria and her group, they still look the same flawless and model like.

i got closer to see what they were talking about, "come on, handsome we saw you on TV, the famous bachelor that has a forced girlfriend, i say you can ditch your stupid girlfriend and have some fun" Lexi wink and pursed her lips, i shiver with disgust they say time really changes people but some for the worst. "lets have some fun in the hotel room" Ria says as she tugs Dante hands only for him to shakes it off, he glares at them and say " i am sorry, i don't go around sleeping with girls who are you know slutty" he scans them from head to toe with a smirk, and i have to agree they are wearing close to nothing. they scoff and glared at him, he shrug his shoulders and walks away while saying " if you excuse me ladies i have fiancé, she must be waiting for me" he walks away when he notice me he came towards me with a smile.

"TULIP?!!!" they all scream, as they saw me, i took a deep breath and gave them a smile "long time no see" they smirk, and walk over to us Lexi looks at me and scans my appearance and say "well Tulip as finally come out of her shell" he mocks, i just laugh and say "at least i have change for the better, but guess what Lexi your pathetic gang and including shouldn't' be here" i say as i smirk at her, i take a walk closer to her and leans down to her ear and whisper "after, where you and your gang belongs is in the strip club, or even better some else mistress because in your pathetic life you will never be first" i gave her a wink, and walk away with Dante linking my hand.

Dante gave my hand a squeeze i let out a deep breath "that feels good" i look at him as i let out a chuckle, he return his response by crashing his lips on mine our lips move in sync not before we see flashlight and the sounds of a shutter of a camera we turn and saw reporters and paparazzi. taking my hand Dante rush out as i follow behind him, while paparazzi follows us as soon as we got in the car Dante drove off. 

"well that was quite an experience" Dante say as we both settle down, we fell in a comforting silence, but when i look at Dante and our eyes met we burst out laughing i wipe my tears away while struggling to say "Best first date ever" Dante look into my eyes and held my hands " and many more to come" my heart is going to burst and with that he dropped me off at home.

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