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"Tell me pretty lies, look me in the face, tell me that you love me, even if it's fake..."

"Jack! Zach is in the driveway!"

I quickly sit up in bed, rubbing my face sleepily. I smack my lips together, looking around my trashed room. I really should clean, but I just don't have time.

I jump when I hear something groan beside me, and something warm touches my leg. I look down to see a girl staring up at me with lazy eyes, looking at me like she wants me to do something. I roll my eyes and get out of bed, not even bothering to cover myself.

I look back at the girl who was now starting to get out of my bed, and she stretches.
"Jackie~" the girl purrs annoyingly, I cringe, and I barely shake my head. "Baby, come back to bed." She moans seductively, or, at least, she tries to. It more comes out sounding like a whiny, sluty,whine.

I groan as I pull on a pair of boxers that were laying on my floor, hopefully their clean. "First of all," I turn towards the brunette with my pointer finger up in the air, "I am no ones baby. I am a free man." I say as I turn away and pick up a red hoodie off the floor. "Second of all," I say, or mumble, as I pull the hoodie over my head, muffling my words. "You need to go... Jessica was it?" I ask as I turn towards her, pulling on a pair of torn washed jeans.

The girl gapes at me, and I smirk at her expression. Somehow, they always manage to pull off the same expression when these words fall from my lips. I used to laugh about it. She jumps from my bed angrily, pulling in her clothes lightning fast. "It's Gabbie you asshole." She growls as she walks out of my bedroom door, and not through my window, like last night. Like she was supposed to do. It's fine though, everyone in this house expects at least on girl to walk out of my room every night. I used to get in trouble for it, but now it's like a routine. A routine no one cares about.

Someone clears their throat from my doorway, and I jump slightly as I turn to look at a short boy with brown hair leaning against the frame of my now gaping open door. I smile at my best friend.

"You are an absolute dick." He gasps dramatically, playfully gaping and glaring at me.
I roll my eyes, "They all know what is supposed to happen when they agree to come home with me."  I say as I grab my wallet and phone, nodding to Zach as I pass him walking out of my room.

Zach also rolls his eyes, "You and your one night stands."

I hold up my hand, as I shuffle quickly down the stairs, hearing some shuffling in the kitchen, and the smell of bacon hits my nose. "Ah ah ah." I shake my head at Zach, nodding my head once at my mom before walking out of the door and into the warm air of California. I inhale deeply before continuing. "I call them 'fuck and go's. Because that's all they are, fuck and go." I hop into the passenger seat of Zach's old white truck that looks like that it could very possibly fall completely apart at any second. "Very rarely is there a second fuck."

Zach sighs as he pulls out of my driveway and quickly changing the radio station after scrunching his nose at the song that was playing. "What's the difference, J?"
I tap my chin, "I know we've been through this before, Zachary." I say as I roll down my window, letting my arm rest on the door.

"Yeah, but..." Zach mumbles, "I guess I just don't get it. Relationships are so much better then just a quick fuck and go every night."

I nod, "Thats understandable, for you." I say and I glance over at him before looking back out and at the world around me. "You like to get to know people, I don't. There's just no point." I shake me head, thinking back to the last real relationship I had. And it was absolute shit. "Plus, I don't have the time nor patients for any of that shit."


Yay, another story.

So, this book is simply just a book for my to write in when I have writers block, so I doubt I will post a chapter very often, but, I already do that with my main books anyways.

Also, the chapters are going to be short as fuck, so enjoy that.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Thanks for reading!


Born To Die   ~   Jachary AUWhere stories live. Discover now