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"So, what does this mean for you guys?"

i shrug as i look away from Corbyn and back to the game we're playing, flicking my fingers on the buttons of my controller. "I don't know, he hasn't brought it up, and frankly..." I pause and swallow nervously, "I'm too scared to."

Corbyn nods for a second, staring at the screen, smiling triumphantly as he wins the game. i huff and toss the controller to the side in defeat while whispering a profanity. "Why are you scared to ask him?" Corbyn asks softly as he sets the controller beside him, only without tossing it roughly.

"I'm just..." I roughly run a hand through my curly hair, hissing at every knot i pull at. "Afriad of rejection. For some reason, he's afraid of this situation... possibly even me, and i am not ready to hear that he doesnt want me, after wanting him for so long."

"I thought you just realized you liked him, like... a month ago." Corbyn cocks his head to the side. "Just before Kristen kicked you out."

I nod, "Yeah, that was when i consiously realized it, but i think a part of me has always been attracted to him, and not like sexually... like im curious. " i pause before continuing, thinking carefully about my next words. "I think im in love with him, every little thing about jim."

corbyn stares at me in awe for a second, lips parted slightly, eyes wide and full of wonder. "Oh."

My eyebrows furrow and i frown. "Oh?" i say, my tone bitter.

"I'm- I'm not..." Corbyn sighs and hangs his head while pinching the bridge of his nose, and i prepare for the worst. Did Zach tell him something? Does he know that Zach doesnt feel the same? he has to know something i dont.

"I owe Jonah and Christina both a hundred dollars."

my eye twitches as i stare at my faux-blonde friend. "you-You what?"

"i... you see, one day during lunch, you were staring at zach with so much fondness... and-and... love. he was just simply eating his fries and laughing at what Collin was telling him and you were staring at him like he was the only thing that mattered in the world. that everyine else was absolute shit next to him. you were so infatuated with the way he was... seemingly breathing that you didnt even know Jonah had said your name, like, seven times. he even shook his fucking hand in front of your face." Corbyn pauses at the sight of my shocked expression before chuckling breathily, almost nervously. "Then Zach looked away from Collin and at you, and you smiled at each other. You two looked like love-sick fools." my lips lift slightly at Corbyn describing us as "love-sick". "So, Jonah, Christina, and I placed a bet down right infront of your faces, and you two didnt even hear us as we bet a hundred dollars to the others if one would confess their love for the other first... i thought Zachary would, Chris and Jo bet that you would..."

i narrowed my eyes at corbyn, "its really nice to know that my friends are betting money on mine and my bestfriends fucking love life."

corbyn shrugs and smirks at me, licking his lips. "entertainment." he says simply.

i scoff as i shake my head, "thanks for the help, Cor, i appreciate it."

corbyn smiles and forces me into an awkward hug, and i flinch. im not the most... cuddly person. "anytime, Avery, glad i could be of service." i sigh and relax into the hug, unwillingly... Crobyn chuckles lightly before pulling away and looking me in the eye with a serious expression. quite possibly the most serious facial expression i have seen on the kids face. "for what its worth, Jack, i accept you, we all do. you can come to me with anything thats bothering you. anything."

my expression softens and i smile warmly at my second closest friend. "Thank you, Corbyn."

Corbyn pulls me back into a hug. "Always, Jack."

so, are these chapters too short? like, the chapters are supposed to be short, and without much.. like... concept... i hope that makes sense... like, the chapter is supposed to start random, but it will be less random and more put together the farther that i get into this story. i hope its making sense...

and i hope my writing is okay, i dont really edit, and when i finish the book, im goignt o go back and edit/rewrite the chapters. baisically, what im writing right now is a draft, and when im done with my draft, im going to go back and fix my mistakes and give it more detaill later. i hope thats okay. i dont know... im not a professional XD. im just some random seventeen year old girl that likes to fangirl over several boy bands.

also, i did not capitalise anything in this chapter because im writing on my laptop, and im too lazy to fix it... so, yeah :)

thanks for listening to my insecure ranting. hope you have enjoyed the book so far.

bye <3


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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