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Better Now
"You know I never meant to let you down..."

"Mr. Avery, do we need to go to the office."

I jump in my seat as I look up, wiping drool from my mouth. I glare at my math teacher, Ms. Evans. She such a little old thing, you'd think she'd be quiet. Well, you would think wrong. Sometimes I swear that she's a demon sent from hell, she is just so damn mean. And most of the time, it uncalled for.

"Maybe, I might get better sleep there." I retort. I don't really give a shit about my classes, they teach us the same worthless crap over and over again anyways. There's just no point.

There's no point in really anything.

There was a couple snickers from the class, and Ms. Evans got so red in the face she looked like a tomato. I didn't even say anything really bad, she just gets pissy easily. She's just mad she doesn't get any dick. I mean, she's so mean her husband divorced her after their kids graduated.

She simply pointed at the door at the front of the class. I groaned, standing quickly. I shuffle towards the door, sending a wink to a pretty blonde a long the way. She blushed cherry red and turned away, clearing her throat and picking up her pencil.

She's cute.

I frown at the thought as I walk out of the small classroom and into the hallway. I don't normally think those things.

I sigh as I pull my phone from my pocket. I turn it on to find several notifications from people I could care less about. Most of them are from girls that ask me to fuck them, asking me to the movies, or just sending me nudes. Some are from some "friends". But one name sticks out from them all.


I smile as my heart flutters in an odd way. Then I quickly go back to frowning once more. What the fuck is wrong with me? Lately, every time I'm around Zach, I feel weird, but it's a good weird. Not an uncomfortable weird, it's like I'm super happy and fluttery when I'm in his presence. It's... Weird.

I tap on the notification, a I chuckle at the meme he sent me. Sending a laughing face emoji back.

I turn towards the principals office, but then I pause. I stare ahead of me, staring at a tile.

"You know what?" I whisper as I do a one eighty to face the door to the students parking lot. "I'm sick of this shit." I open my phone once more, texting Zach to meet me at his truck.

I took the long way to where Zach had parked, wanting to get lost in my thoughts a moment. I figure it will take Zach a moment to come up with a good excuse to leave class. The kid can't lie to save his own goddamn life. Maybe that's why we're such good friends, we're mostly polar opposites, we balance each other out perfectly.

One of my "friends" said that we would make a great couple. And, when she said that, I do t know why, but it made me extremely happy. Hell, it makes me smile even to this day. But that's an odd thought. My parents already hate me enough, plus, I'm pretty positive I'm straight.

I smile in shock as I look at my best friend leaning against the old ass white truck behind him, already holding a lit blunt in between his perfect lips. Wait...

"What took you so damn long, J?" He asked as I moved to stand next to him.

"How the fuck did you get out of class?" I ask back.

Zach rolls his eyes at my answering a question with a different question. "Johnson was asleep, it wasn't that hard to slip out."

I snort and nod, typical Mr. Johnson.

Zach passes me the blunt, and I gladly take it. "I'm failing." I blurt out, smoke coming out of my nostrils and mouth as I talk.

Zach sighs and shakes his head. "Of course you are." Hu mumbles, and I inwardly roll my eyes. "Jack, don't you want to get anywhere in life?"

I stare at my shoes a moment, silent. I think about my words very carefully. "What's the point, Zach?" I whisper as I hand him the blunt.

Zach hits it, then exhales. "What are you talking about, J?" He runs a hand through his hair, and for a second, I just want my lips on his and my fingers in his hair.

Snap out of it.

"What I'm talking about is that..." I pause, and I purse my lips. "That there's just no fucking point in any of this." I put the blunt in between my lips, inhale, exhale.

"Jack, are you okay?" Zach asks, kind of sounding like he was scared of the answer.

I chuckle. "If you're asking if I'm suicidal, I'm not." And that was the truth, yes, I may think that there's no point. But, I don't wish to die. I'm not afraid of death, and if death came I would welcome it, but I'm not suicidal.

Zach sighed, and he pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment. "So, what exactly do you mean?" He asks.

I open my phone, staring at a text my sister sent me. She was telling me to get back in class. I smirked and told her to come join us, just to tick her off. I love my sister, all three of them actually, but they can't influence me. I'm my own person.

"There's just no point, in anything." I say as I tuck my phone away.

"Jack, I get what you're saying but..." Zach says, "but I don't get what you're saying. You're not making sense."

I laugh and point at him with the blunt. "No, Z, you're not making sense."

Zach pauses, then he chuckles quietly to himself. "I just, I don't know Jack." Zach takes the blunt from me, taking a moment to smoke from it. "You're voice is absolutely amazing, and you're a baller in basketball-" I laugh at his choice of words, only Zach. "And you are super smart and would have awesome grades if you would just try."

I shake my head slowly, "Maybe. But I just don't see a point."

Zach rolls his eyes, "Yeah, you've said that already." He says sarcastically, I playfully glare at him. Zach winks, and my heart skips a beat.

Stop it, you fucking stupid organ that keeps me alive and isn't really stupid, but is at the same time.

"Jack- I just-" Zach starts, "You're just such an amazing person-"

I raise an eyebrow, "Zachary Dean, are you confessing your love for me?"

Zach throws his head back in laughter, his shoulders shaking. "You wish." He manages to say, snorting afterwards.

I do.

I laugh too, and it's funny how something, that shouldn't be that funny, becomes ten times funnier with the influence of weed and you're best friend.

"Anyways, before I was so rudely interrupted-" I snort. "Don't you want to be apart of the reason people want to live?"

My eyes once again meet my shoes, and I'm silent, thinking about his statement. Then I laugh, "No, not really." I say, "You see, the funny thing about that statement, is that we're all born just to die."

Born To Die   ~   Jachary AUWhere stories live. Discover now