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"Do you wanna come skateboard with me?"

I laugh as I turn the page on the book that I decided to read. I don't normally like reading, but since I'm trying to stay away from my phone, for whatever reason, I thought this might be a good way to get my mind off of things.

Surprisingly it's working.

"You don't know how to skate, Z." I say as I finally look up to see Zach making his way over to me. He sits down on the floor next to me, leaning his back against the bed, in the exact position I'm in.

"Yeah, but..." Zach fades as he tries to find the right words. "Why not teach me?"

I thought about what it would be like to teach Zach how to skate. He would fall, multiple times, that's what happens with skating. He's got to know how to balance, and I think... I think he can do that.

I also get to hold his waist as I stand really close to him, telling him that it's okay. To kiss him as a reward for doing good.

I smirk and I look into Zach's eyes, mischief playing in my dull brown pools. "I'm in."

I chose to go to a skatepark I knew very few people would be at because I don't really feel like dealing with people. Zach was excited, I could tell. Excited to be at the skatepark, with me, who's finally decided to leave the house after three weeks.

I just realized how absolutely pathetic I'm being.

I frown and mentally face palm. What would everyone at school think if they saw me in that bed, with red eyes and tears stains on my cheeks. Messy hair and messy clothes. I didn't bathe much either, so I probably smelled like shit.

I would be... weak in their eyes. I wouldn't be the popular, hot and sexy Jack Avery that was the captain of the basketball team. I wouldn't be strong. I'm not strong.

But you are.

I shake my head and look back to Zach, who seems to be bouncing with glee. I chuckle at his childishness, and then I set my board in the ground.

Zach looks down at it for a second, then back up at me. "I want to take some pictures of you first." He tells me with a warm smile on his face and gesturing to the backpack in his back. He told me he had "snacks and stuff". Not a fucking camera.

I should've expected that though, Zach likes taking pictures. I love photography, but I never could afford my own camera, so I always borrowed Zach's. And his camera is great, a very expensive camera. But, that is what Zach's family is. Expensive.

I laugh, "Okay."

I jump onto my skateboard and take off, Zach hurriedly pulling the camera from the red backpack so that he wouldn't miss what he could take pictures of.

Zach takes several pictures, smiling the whole twenty minutes that I lost myself on my skateboard. There was a point where I winked at him, and he blushed, taking a picture of me winking. It was so fucking adorable.

I really want that picture though.

I stop right in front of the brunette, and Zach stares up at me for a moment with wide and curious eyes. I smile down at him, and then I lean down slowly, acting as if I'm going to kiss him. Zach closes his eyes and moves to meet me halfway.

I smile and peck the corner of his mouth before pulling away. "I will kiss you when you can ride this skateboard." I tell him.

Zach groans. "Why is everything so fucking difficult!"

I laugh at him, and I peck his forehead once. "You can do this."

"I can do this."

Born To Die   ~   Jachary AUWhere stories live. Discover now