Package? For Me?

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The car stopped at our house and my mom- Emma, Henry, and I exited the car

"Race you to the bedroom!" Henry announced and bolted for the front door. "Last one has to give up dessert for a week!"

"Hey, come back here!" I shouted and ran after him, laughing.

"Don't forget to put your shoes aside!" My mom reminded as she got things out of the car.

Henry ran up the stairs as I gained on him, laughing the whole time. I pulled at his hood and he stumbled backwards and onto me as I struggled to tumble into the bedroom.

Alas! I was first.

I stood up, raising my fists into the air in triumph. 

Henry stood up from the carpeted floor and slowly trudged to me in defeat, wearing a huge smile on his face the whole time.

"Looks like you owe me your dessert for a week." I smirked at him, mockingly.

"No fair, you already won last time!" He fake pouted.

"Fine," I chuckled and ruffled his hair. "You can get half."

"Okay." Henry smiled really wide and hugged me. 

Henry pulled away from me and jumped onto the his bed of the bunk bed we shared, putting his hands behind his head, relaxing.

I sat down on the desk and pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil from one of the many drawers.

"Working on a new song again?" Henry asked from behind me. 

I just nodded my head and tapped the end of my pencil on the paper, trying to think of lyrics for my new song.

Not to brag, but I have been a singer since I was seven.

I've been doing covers of famous songs in school presentations, and after a couple of years or months, I've been going to singing competitions and such.

Fortunately, one of the competitions were really big and was aired on television.

I became quite famous and started singing my covers all around my state. 

Soon enough, I was offered a gig and started writing and singing my own songs.

Now, I travel all around America to do concerts and stuff.

That's why I just recently came back from my trip to New York which was the biggest crowd I have ever sang in front of. 

Honestly, balancing my singing career with my school studies is really hard. But it's worth it. 

Suddenly, mom appeared on the doorway. 

"Working on another new song, kiddo?" She asked.

"Yep, it's been very productive." I told her. 

My mom peeked at my empty piece of paper then looked back at me.

"Mhm, very productive."

Then she glanced at Henry who was chilling on the bed playing with his phone.

"You two go do your homework first before anything else." Mom instructed. "If you finish early, we can go to the coffee shop around the block and get a few frappes."

Henry and I immediately stood up, bolted past our mom, and rushed to our school bags.


"Hey, no fair! You already finished yours, stop drinking mine!" I whined as Henry gulped down my mocha frappe. 

"Kid, you don't have to drink your sister's," my mom told Henry. "I'll go get you another one."

Henry pumped his fist into the air and followed mom to the cashier.

While they were gone, I took the opportunity to open my phone and browse through my feed.

The posts were endless.

Day and night, there would always be posts about my songs—old and new—about new fans, upcoming concerts, etc.

It was so weird.

Henry and mom soon came back and we spent the rest if the night just chatting and playing at the arcade.

3 Months Later

One early evening after dinner, we were all at the living room.

Henry watching television, mom reading the magazine, and me working on my new single.

Suddenly, we heard the doorbell ring.

We looked at each other.

"You expecting anyone?" Henry asked Mom

"I was about to ask you two the same thing." She replied in confusion. "Wait here, both of you."

Mom stood up and approached the front door, Henry and I trying to look over her shoulder from our place.

It didn't take long before mom was back in the living room, holding a package.

Henry and I sat beside her on the couch and looked at the package. I noticed mom make a confused face then looked to me.

"It has our address. Your name. But it didn't say from whom it was from..." she told me.

"This is for me?" I asked, pointing at the package.

My mom just nodded and handed it to me.

I ripped the wrapping paper off like a five year old opening Christmas presents.

There was a notebook inside.

How odd...

I flipped through the pages and they were completely empty.

"Well, I'm going to bed now." My mom announced, suddenly uninterested. "Fifteen more minutes and you two get your shut-eye."

"Will do."

I put the notebook aside and watched television with my brother.

The next morning, as I was in a hurry for school, I accidentally packed the mysterious notebook instead of my school notebook.

I decided to just deal with it and write notes on that notebook instead then transfer it to my school notebook later.

However, when I pulled it out of my bag and flipped to the first page, it was covered from top to bottom with handwriting.


I flipped to the next page, it was covered too.

I flipped through all the pages and they were all full of words from top to bottom.

I scrunched up my nose as I read the first page. The writing was beautiful. And then, I had an idea.

Since nobody technically owned the notebook, it is now mine for keep. And that means I could use the writings in it.

The first page had a title which was "Without Me", and it could just be my next single.

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