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The next day, the minute I got to my locker, I found Peter there patiently waiting for me.

"You ready to start the day, Parker?" I asked as I opened my locker.

"I've got you with me, so what's to fear?" He answered with another question, laughing afterwards.

I pulled out my textbooks and closed my locker, facing him.

"So you're here ten minutes early, so that's good." I told him. "Off to your first class we go. May I see your schedule?"

He nodded and pulled out a piece of paper, handing it to me. His first class was English.

And of course, you know the drill. I led him to the English classroom et cetera et cetera.

"See you at lunch, Peter." I waved him goodbye then left.

And the rest of the day went like a blur. Until...lunch time!

Holding a tray of food and walking to my usual table with Clarice, I made my way past the table of jocks, then the cheerleaders, then the nerds, then the musicians, and voila! Table eight.

I sat down across from Clarice who was already there waiting for me.

"Sorry I wasn't around that much yesterday," she apologized. "So, how was the new kid?"

"He was okay." I replied and dug into my food.

"Anything happened between you two?" Clarice asked with a mouthful of food, her eyes narrowing and her lips spreading into a wide grin.

"Oh, no..." I laughed. "Nothing like that. We're just friends."

She only hummed in response and kept eating.

I soon felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see Peter holding his tray of food and staring down at me, his eyes looking as if they were begging to sit down.

I nodded in response and the boy took a seat next to me.

"Well, I'm done eating," Clarice announced. "I'm going to give you two some privacy."

"Clarice!" I exclaimed.

"I was kidding." She laughed. "my mom just needed me back in the office early to finish some tasks. Now I'm off."

And with that, she left, taking her empty tray with her. Leaving me and Peter alone at the table.

"So, how was your first day in school?" I began. "I wasn't really able to ask you about that yesterday."

"It was great. I'm pretty glad there aren't any bullies this year." He grinned from ear to ear and kept eating.

"Actually, about that..." I pursed my lips.

Then as if on cue, a hand slammed harshly against our lunch table, grabbing the attention of practically all the other students present in the cafeteria.

"Well, if it isn't the new kid." the new voice chuckled. 

"Well, if it isn't the dirt bag that everyone hates." I snapped back, looking at the boy in the eye. "What do you want, Ben?"

"Come on, sweetie, you don't hate me do ya?" Ben squeezed onto the space beside me, and that's when I noticed he had a small group of his friends behind him.

Who, FYI, also looked and smelled exactly like him. And had a huge addiction to steroids, making them look like out of place wrestlers in high school.

"I never liked you to begin with, and I was never your sweetie. Seriously, where do you get these ideas?" I asked him as I tried to inch away a bit further. "I hope those steroids you're taking aren't making their way to your brain."

"But if they did, no harm done anyway, right?" Peter suddenly butted in from the opposite side of the table.

Ben and his friends' heads suddenly snapped towards his direction. 

"Did I say something wrong?" Peter cocked an eyebrow, knowing he definitely did, then he smirked.

"Look who's speaking up." Ben eyed Peter like a meal. "What was your name again, kid?"

"Peter Parker." he replied. "And I assume your the asshole that thinks he runs this school?"

Ben slammed his hand onto the table again, his hand curling into a fist.  His friends were about to grab Peter when Ben stopped them.

"Trust me spiderdork, you do not want to take this outside." He threatened. 

"Oh I don't have a problem about where we take it. I was born ready for this." Peter mocked him as he pushed his glasses further up his nose. "In fact, we could take it here right now."

Ben's eyes looked like they were about to burst out of their sockets and explode, but I could see him trying to compose himself. "We're taking it outside because I said so. And I also say we're taking it outside later, after school."

"Whatever, trash breath, I'll be waiting." Peter smirked, propping both elbows on the table and resting his head on his hands. 

Ben just breathed heavily through his nose and stood up, walking away, his friends trailing close behind him.

"Well, that was...pleasant." I said, watching Ben walk away while taking a juice box from a student from table five.

"Tell me about it." Peter sighed and wiped his mouth with a napkin. "I just lost my appetite, that boy reeked."

"I could tell you kinda lost it..." I tried to hide a smile. 

"How so?" He cocked an eyebrow. 

"You called him an asshole." I giggled.

"Yeah, I guess." He chuckled. "So are you done eating?"

I hummed in response, standing up and taking my tray with me, waiting for Peter. 

"You're prepared for after school...?" I found myself asking.

"Like I said," His eyes suddenly turned dark and his expression gloomy. "I was born ready."

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