Don't Touch Her

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The minute school ended, I rushed to Peter's final class to at least have a small talk before his upcoming "fight" with Ben. However, I was too late. And practically all the classrooms were already empty.

Almost the entire school body was gathered around outside in the school's courtyard. And there was a big space in the middle of the crowd, already waiting for Peter and Ben to take their places.

I pushed myself to the very front of the crowd, to get a better view of the two boys who were now circulating each other, Ben was holding his fists up to his chest as Peter had one hand next to his face and the other outstretched, as if his fingers were gripping the air.

That was probably the weirdest fight stance I have ever seen in my life. (Peter, I mean.) It's like he was posing like he was Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee, or something.

Anyways, Ben lunged at Peter like a hungry lion and socked him right in the eye. Peter collapsed onto the floor, but it only took a second before he jumped back onto his feet, repeating the same stance he had on earlier.

Except he looked slightly different as there was a huge bruise on his brow line.

Ben took no notice of Peter's strength against his punch and lunged at him again. But this time, Peter was ready.

He sidestepped, and elbowed Ben shoulder blade, making the bully land face first onto the hard, stone, ground.

A bunch of oo's escaped from the numerous students watching the fight, and I could see that it gave Peter a bit of confidence as he licked his lower lip.

It wasn't long before Ben was back onto his feet, and his nose was bleeding like a waterfall, but he took no notice and wiped the small amount of blood from his lower lip with the back of his hand.

Aside from the major scratches on his face, Ben was red as a tomato from fury. He didn't exactly like what Peter just managed to do to him, and I'm certain he didn't like the oo's that came after, either.

Since I was standing at the front row, Ben easily caught sight of me, and the next thing I knew, he pulled me by my wrist and I was in the fight.

Peter must've been in shock by the sudden turn of events because he immediately lowered his hands. "Don'" he said in a voice so deep, I could hardly believe it was even coming from him.

"Oh, but I do." Ben smirked. And guess what? That idiot slapped me.

I fell onto the floor due to impact, scratching my knee, and I brought my hand up to try and soothe the pain erupting from my left cheek. I didn't have to look into a mirror to know that it was probably redder than Ben's face.

Still sprawled on the floor, I heard Peter growl. " I told you not to touch her."

"Ha!" Ben snarled. "What are you going to do about it now, spiderdork?"

Turning my head to see what was happening, I saw Peter's eyes...they were different. And for a moment, I totally forgot to breathe.

They were completely black, rid of all the white that was supposed to make human beings look normal, and black smoke was legitimately pouring out of them like smoke oozing out of a witch's cauldron.

It was terrifying to see, but somehow, I couldn't stop staring.

Peter's hands were shaking from so much fury that it must've took all his willpower to stop them from shaking so much.

Raising his hands up to his chest, still shaking and directed towards Ben, he pushed out with so much force that I wasn't even sure if my eyes were playing tricks on me.

A bright red and black streak erupted from Peter's hands and hit Ben square in the chest. The larger boy pushed past the barrier of children and landed on his back.

Peter lowered his hands and didn't remove his eyes from Ben. I managed to catch a glimpse and was surprised that Ben was harmed in no way at all.

Boy, was I wrong.

WARNING: Violence and lots of blood ahead. You have been warned.

Five seconds later, blood gushed out of his nose, ears, and mouth. It was everywhere, and it didn't take long before it poured out onto the floor. However, I was surprised that Ben was still alive.

Peter walked up to the bleeding boy and stood next to his almost lifeless body. He raised his hands over Ben's body, palms facing down and a small yellow glow emitted from them.

Slowly, the blood evaporated and Ben was made well again.

"This. This is what happens when you touch her." He said in a low voice.

"T-thank you..." Ben sat up and clutched his chest looking to Peter in disbelief that he even tried to heal him. "Can you...ever"

Peter smiled softly, showing his pearly whites and the blackness in his eyes were turning grey. He bent down to look at Ben at an eye level and this time, smirked.

"Well, no."

"W-What?" Ben stuttered and before anyone else could process what was going on, Peter plunged his hand into the poor boy's chest then pulled out an odd looking red object the size of his fist.

"Is that...." Ben's face was like he'd just seen a ghost. But this was probably much worst.

"Yes, yes it is." Peter replied, not needing to hear the whole sentence. "The minute I crush this delicate thing in my hands, your life is as good as gone."

I stared at the red object in disbelief. There in Peter's hand lay Ben's heart.


"Please, don't—"

"You should've thought about the consequences before you disobeyed me." Peter cut him off. Then in his hands, he squeezed.

Ben's heart made soft cracking sounds and the large boy's eyes were starting to roll to the back of his head. Ben started making inhuman sounds and he fell onto the floor.

Completely lifeless.

Looking back at Peter, the boy was staring at his hand in disgust. Slowly, he opened his clenched fist and sand poured out onto the ground and was carried away by the wind.

Students started screaming their heads of and the next thing I knew, the only people left were me and Peter.

And Peter just murdered an innocent bully.

Yay! I finally got to update! I'm glad you were able to wait that long for this chapter, I purple you! 💜💜💜💜


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