If I Can't Have You

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(I just decided to screw [not that kind of screw...you know what I mean] the last two chapters about the comments thing [I already deleted them for good] and just go with the flow of my brain. So yeah...hope you guys enjoyed cuz I stayed up until 2 AM writing this for you all :D)


The next morning, I got to school early and Clarice handed me a folder filled with Peter's papers and told me to wait in her mom's office (the principal) for our friendly neighborhood Spiderman. 

Fifteen minutes before class started, the door slowly creaked open and a tall boy with round glasses entered. 

He headed straight for the principal's desk, barely noticing me sitting there on one of the blue plastic chairs.

"Peter Parker?" the principal asked as soon as he reached her desk. 

I saw him nod and the principal pointed towards me and said, "She'll be staying with you for the week and show your way around the school."

The boy looked at me and I couldn't help but notice a small glint in his eyes.

"Please report to me immediately if you have any problems." the principal added. "You may go."

So this must be Peter...

I stood up and stretched out my hand.  "Nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." 

He gladly shook it and smiled, for the first time since he got here might I add. "(Y/N)...I'm Peter...Parker."

We just stood there, still awkwardly shaking hands.

"Um...my...uh..." I laughed nervously.

"Oh, right, sorry." Peter apologized and let go of my hand.

"So, are you like, Spiderman?" I joked once we got out of the principal's office and into the hallway.

"Yep, I am." Peter flashed me a cheeky grin.

"Really? You look more like a Potter though." I pointed at his round glasses.

"Oh, this?" He grinned and looked at his glasses, getting cross-eyed. "I could take them off for you, if you want."

"Nah, it's fine." I giggled. "Also, here's your schedule. We have Maths, History, Arts, and Chemistry together."

I opened my backpack and took out the folder Clarice gave me. I dug through the compilation of papers and pulled out his schedule, handing it to him.

"Thank you."

"And I'll be leading you to your locker." I told him. "Lucky for you, my locker mate transferred to a different school, and that means you have a locker beside mine."

"Great." Peter followed me through the many crowds of students, most of the girls glancing towards us...

Or rather looking at Peter, I mean, he looked great. His green eyes shimmering behind those circular glasses, his brown hair falling over his eyes naturally, and his school clothes looked like he just jumped into a laundry basket and put on whatever he found. 

Yet he looked cute altogether. 

I showed him his locker and gave him his locker combination.

"You better not put anything stupid in there," I joked. "Because I have access to your locker and I'm planning on putting this information to good use."

"Whateverrr..." Peter groaned then laughed, opening his locker.


Today has been quite exhausting, that I got to admit. 

It was a hassle getting Peter to his classrooms and getting to mine on time right after. I even almost got detention for being late once, and the teacher told me that being the new kid's "tour guide" wasn't an excuse.

But note that I said "almost".

Anyways, as I was on my way to go fetch Henry, like I always do, I heard Peter call after me.

'Yo, what's up?" I turned to face him.

"Um...we're still meeting tomorrow, right?" Peter scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah, of course." I replied. "I am in charge of you for the week anyway."

"Great!" He smiled. "Oh and...I'm good at keepin' my distance but everything means nothin' if I can't have you."

I immediately froze, and I felt my blood freeze in my vessels. Peter must've noticed my current state because his smile grew wider but something in his eyes changed.

The bright green gleam seemed to have magically disappeared and something in them became dark and the innocent shine seemed to have faded.

"See you tomorrow, (Y/N)!"

I shook my head in disbelief and proceeded walking to Henry's school.


That night during dinner, I still couldn't shake off the thought of Peter's last words to me earlier after class. It was too impossible.

Mom must've seen the look on my face because she suddenly popped the question I was never used to hearing her say: "You okay there, kiddo?"

"Huh?" I snapped out of my daze. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just zoned out I guess."

She shrugged and kept eating her food.

"Oh, mom, tell (Y/N), about the guy awhile ago." Henry spoke up.

"You knew about that?" My mom's head snapped towards his direction. 

"Mom, I'm sixteen. I'm not that...you know." Henry pursed his lips.

"I guess." My mom sighed and turned to me. "So this morning during breakfast, which was after you left ever so early for your new student thing, a man came to visit."

"So? Don't you usually have guys over?" I looked at her confused. "Like Walsh?"

"No, this guy was different. He was dressed in a weird pirate outfit, had a hook for a hand, and-"

"Mom, are you okay? Because that guy sounds a lot like Captain Hook."

"Yes, I'm okay." She replied, then looked me straight in the eye. "(Y/N), this man kissed me."


"No!" My mom said. "I kneed him in his thing and slammed the door at his face...then called the cops right after."

"Good." I calmed myself down. "Because if the cops didn't get him, I would've killed him already."

The rest of the dinner was spent in silence.

After dinner, Henry and I headed to our rooms to do homework and mom stayed behind to wash the dishes.

That night, as I stared at my pencil sitting on my Math book, Peter's last words sounded through my mind yet again.

Hesitantly, I pulled open my drawer and took out the worn out notebook filled with my songs. Flipping through the notebook, page after page, I was desperate to find what I was looking for.

And just as I thought. There it was. On the first verse before the chorus of the song "If I Can't Have You" were the same exact words: I'm good at keepin' my distance but everything means nothin' if I can't have you.

And the creepiest thing yet was that...I haven't released this song yet.

In fact, it was still supposed to be released in the next two months.

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