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I was floating around in an endless space of well...cold and darkness. 

I was somehow conscious because I knew what I was doing (floating) but I wasn't conscious of what the hell was going on. 

Then my eyes slowly started opening and a huge pain in my head was forming. My vision came into focus and Emma was staring down right at me with worried eyes. 

I felt her holding an ice pack over my head as her other hand stroked my hair. 

"Emma...?" I managed to let out as I tried to sit up.

"No, you must stay down, kiddo." She lightly pushed me back down. "Also, that's mom to you."!

"Where's mom?" my eyes widened. "I have to get back to her!"

"Kid, are you okay? Your head must've been hurt pretty bad..." Emma looked at me in confusion. "I'm sorry I wasn't there, but lucky for you your classmate brought you home."

"Classmate?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"He's outside on the couch and Henry's entertaining him." She chuckled lightly to herself. 

All the thoughts suddenly came rushing through my mind like a tidal wave, drowning my headache underneath it. 


Peter's here!

He found me.

"I'm okay, Em- mom." I forcefully sat up, pushing past her hands. "I promise."

I stood up and ran out my bedroom, to where Henry and Peter were. 

I found them in the living room, Peter's back faced towards me as Henry was acting out in front of him. 

"A cat?" I heard Peter's British accent cut through the quiet atmosphere. I never realized how much I've missed until he actually spoke out loud. 

"P-Peter?" I called to him, my legs suddenly unable to move. 

He turned around to face me, eyes slightly worried that I might be afraid to approach him again.

His forest green eyes slightly moving back and forth behind his circular glasses.

"(Y/N), it's not what it looks like, you see-" I cut him off. 

I ran towards his sitting figure and threw my arms around him, not wanting to let go. "You found me..."

It took him awhile to process what the hell was going on before he finally wrapped his strong arms around my slim figure.


"Okay, so what exactly are you proposing?" I asked for probably the hundredth time, confused.

Peter and I were alone in the room Henry and I shared after dinner. (After my mom insisted he stayed as a token of gratitude).

"You know, just help me spike Emma's drink with the thing I had you drink forcefully before you had your memories back." Peter shrugged.

I involuntarily shivered, relieving the awful memory.

"So what does Emma usually drink in the mornings?" He spoke once again, shattering my trip down memory lane.

"On weekends, she drinks tea and on weekdays she drinks coffee." I replied. "But she barely does it nowadays since she's always late for work."

"Then I guess I can't do it myself." Peter sighed as his shoulders slumped. "Which means I'll be leaving this with you."

He reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out the familiar black bottle I resented so much.

"Just pour the whole thing into her drink," he instructed. "I'm not really sure how much since I wasn't really paying attention when Hook was explaining."

I let out a small laugh at the last part, he still was an adorable little boy on the inside.

I took the bottle from his large hands and placed it on a table nearby.

"Peter," Emma suddenly peeked inside. "It's getting late, your parents might get worried."

"Oh right, my parents." Peter emphasized on the last word as he sneakily winked at me. "See you tomorrow, (Y/N)."

"Actually, I won't be going to school tomorrow since Mom decided to let me stay home," I smiled, thinking of all the things I could be doing tomorrow. "Due to my headache and all of today's events."

"Ah, cool then." He smiled and waved goodbye before joining Emma outside the door.

I took the bottle from the table and his it behind a picture frame like my life depended on it now.

It wasn't long before Emma was back in my room.

"You should get some rest, kiddo," She advised. "You're not yet fully recovered from your headache."

"Okay, Mom."

Henry came in already in his pyjamas.

"Where did you get your—" I started.

"Don't ask." He chuckled then climbed into bed.

Laughing along, I went up the small ladder and into my bed as Emma turned off the lights.

"Sleep tight, you two."


The next morning, I woke up at 10 am sharp and jumped off my bed. Literally.

I saw Emma on the couch in the living room browsing through channels on the television.

Then I spotted it.

Emma's steaming cup of coffee sitting on the counter in the kitchen. What was it doing there? I had no idea.

I ran back up into my room and took the bottle from behind the picture frame and slid down the stairs on the railing.

I unscrewed the cork, poured the contents in and gave the coffee a good stir.

Just in time too, Emma had just walked in as I was finishing up.

"What you up to, kid?" She asked in her usual morning tone.

"Oh I uh—" I hid the bottle behind my back and let go of the spoon. "Just wanted a sip, you know."

"You can have it if you want." Emma smiled and was about to leave when I realized what was happening.

"Actually, a sip was all I needed, don't worry." I took the cup with my free hand and practically shoved it into hers.

She looked at me like I was nuts or something and blew on the hot liquid as she walked back into the living room.

Once I was alone, I pumped my fist into the air and whispered "yes!" as I threw the bottle into the empty trash bin.

Lost Girl in New York ✓ [OUAT Peter Pan X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now