Don't Touch Me

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I drew the top photo, I hope you guys like it. It's supposed to be Peter and Piper, and Piper's supposed to have longer hair...but...yeah... It's honestly not my best drawing, so yeah. Enjoy the story!


Seeing me still sprawled on the floor, the young killer rushed towards my direction and crouched in front of me. Too scared from what I just saw to even move a muscle except my lungs, Peter stretched out his hands and reached for my face.

"(Y/N), bloody hell, are you alright, love?" He asked, his voice shaking slightly.

All his features were now back to normal as he stared back at me.

Then I came to my senses and pushed away from him quickly. "D-don't touch me..." I stuttered. "Please...."

"(Y/N)...." he muttered, stopping his movements.

"Please, just please..." I pleaded. "Leave me alone..."

And with that, I stood up, grabbed my backpack from the floor and ran off.

"(Y/N), wait!"

I ignored Peter's calls as I pushed my legs to take me farther away from him.


As usual, I fetched Henry and we visited our secret place together till mom came to fetch us.

That night as we were having dinner, the doorbell rang.

"We're you expecting someone?" Henry asks.

"" My mom replied.

The three of us cocked our heads to the side as we looked towards the door's direction.

"You two, stay here." My mom ordered as she wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin and stood from the dining table.

Henry and I exchanged glances and leaned into our sides, desperate to get a peek at the visitor.

It's been five minutes and mom still hasn't returned but we could hear the quiet murmurs of voices so I assumed that there was nothing to worry about.

Henry and I stuffed our faces with food till we heard the door shut and mom came trudging back in with a terrified and worried expression on her face.

"What happened?" I asked after swallowing hard.

"Nothing." She snapped, her breathing slightly heavy. "Let's eat."

I raised an eyebrow but kept eating my food. Henry seemed to have bought it as he just shrugged and went on, minding his own business.

As I was studying in my room, I heard soft tapping at my window. Curious, I approached it and swung the glass door open.

There wasn't anyone outside on the fire escape at all.

Then suddenly, a pair of icy blue orbs were suddenly staring into mine. I almost fell backwards if I wasn't holding onto a wooden table by Henry's bed.

"Hello there!" The blue eyed boy greeted cheerfully.

He was hanging upside down from God knows what and had snowy white hair.

"Um...who are you?" I asked.

He seemed to have come into realization as he took a good look at my face.

"I'm uh, Jack," He flipped himself over and sat outside, holding a long staff which was curved at the end. "Sorry, I got the wrong house."

"Oh." Was all I could say.

"Do you have water?" He chuckled nervously. "I'm quite thirsty."

"Yes of course." I ran out of the room and returned with a glass of warm water.

As soon as he held it, ice cubes started to form inside. "Sorry, I like mine cold."

Jack drank the water down with one gulp and placed the glass on the table that helped me regain my balance earlier.

"Thank you so much!" He beamed and flew off.

I closed the window as I contemplated if what I saw was even real.

The minute I sat back down on my desk, however, there was another slight tap on the glass.

Standing up, I wondered if it was another lost mythical creature looking for water.

I was wrong, opening the window again, there was a small, black, glass bottle with a note waiting on the fire escape.

Looking around once again, I took the bottle and brought it inside.

The note said nothing more than a simple "Drink me" and I felt like I was in Alice in Wonderland all of a sudden.

Feeling unsure about it, I left the bottle on top of my school textbooks, and went out to play with Henry.

I was no longer in the mood in opening anymore windows for unexpected guests.

I found him sitting on the couch watching television as mom was on the dining table flipping through a magazine.

"What you watching, Henry?" I asked, plopping onto the space next to him.

"Friends." He replied, keeping his eyes glued to the screen.




The next morning, I woke up late for school. My alarm clock snoozed and I had less than fifteen minutes to shower, dress, pack my things, eat breakfast, and get the hell out of the house.

I found myself throwing my books into my backpack, not noticing the small bottle falling in with them as I literally fell down the stairs.

In the kitchen, Henry and mom were eating their eggs peacefully.

Henry didn't need to worry about being late since this school had this field trip and he wasn't going.

I rushed to the counter and took out two slices of bread.

I went over to the table, stuffed the egg into the bread with a fork, waved my family goodbye and I was out the front door in seconds.

Let's have a cheer!



I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and hopefully I don't loose followers or any readers. Strong power, thank you.

See you in the next chapter!! 💜💜💜

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