Three Years Later

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Life is just great. My career is stable, my mom has an awesome job, and Henry and I manage to keep our grades up despite my singing career and still have plenty of time to hang out.

The school bell rang, signaling the end of the last period for the day and I quickly packed my things into my bag, not wanting to wait a second longer to pay my brother a visit.

As I was putting my things back into my locker, I got a text from my best friend, Clarice. 

(A/N: If that's your name, you know the drill (;)

Clarice: Yoooo

Y/N: What's with the sudden burst of energy? XD

Clarice: Nothin'. Just wanted to let you know through text since I gotta leave really early and I unfortunately can't meet you right now

Y/N: Um...let me know what?

Clarice: As the student secretary of our school, I have been given the honors of choosing which student gets to give the new kid a tour tomorrow

Y/N: Wow, so formal, Hahaha

Clarice: Too bad for me though, the new kid is really cute

Y/N: Why don't you go then?

Clarice: The principal didn't really allow that

Y/N: Oh right, the principal's your mom. Oops, hahaha

Clarice: Ahem, anyway, being the good and amazing friend that I am, I chose you. Yeah, yeah, thank me after the school tour

Y/N: Lol, okay. I gtg pick up my brother. See you tomorrow!

Clarice: I'll send you more details later! Byeeee

Closing my locker door, I made my way for Henry's school just two blocks down. It wasn't very far since he was just in the middle school version of our high school. I hope that makes sense.

As I turned the corner, I saw the familiar brown hair that always looked black if you looked at it from a certain angle, and of course the red and dark grey striped scarf that I loved seeing Henry wear so much.

"Henry!" I called out as I neared him.

He looked up from the schoolbook he was reading and his mouth curved into a wide grin

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He looked up from the schoolbook he was reading and his mouth curved into a wide grin.

"Hi Y/N!" Henry waved and immediately closed the book he was reading, slipping it into his bag.

He got off the chair and ran towards me and enclosed me in a tight hug. I laughed, "Still acting like a kid?"

"Well, mom always calls me a kid, so..." Henry shrugged. "I guess it's a right now."

I laughed and ruffled his hair. "Kid."

Henry pouted and we both got onto the sidewalk.

"So, as usual, mom said she'll pick us up after her work," I checked my phone. "Which ends in two hours. You wanna go anywhere?"

Henry grinned. "As usual, let's go pay my castle a visit."

I smiled and rolled my eyes, keeping my arm around his shoulder the whole time, like a protective mother even though Henry's height was almost past my ears.

(A/N: P.S., Henry's castle isn't the one from Storybrooke, in case ya'll are confused. Hehe, thanks for reading!)

Henry's castle was not that far from school and not that close to home either. It was a thirty minute walk from my school (fourty-five if Henry complained about the long and boring walk) and only the two of us knew about it.

Henry was the first to push through the many twigs and branches hanging from one of the many large oak trees as soon as we stopped at the familiar place. I followed him shortly after.

After pushing through the many leaves of hell, we arrived at a metal door that led to our secret hideout behind the huge, worn down, and greatly stained, white wall.

Henry looked over to me and knowing the drill, I pulled out on of my bobby pins and handed it to him.

The little genius started picking at the lock, and as always, he never failed to open it.

After pushing the poor pin around a couple of times, the lock opened with a satisfying click and I could sense Henry grinning to himself. He eagerly pulled the lock out, shoving my small pin into his black pocket, and pushed at the door.

It pushed open with a low and annoying creak, revealing a small open garden.

Well, being stuck in that small space, watching Henry pick the lock in the darkness, the bright light from the other side of the door temporarily blinded me. And I guess it got Henry too, because he stayed in his position for awhile before crossing to the other side.

I blinked a few times and followed.

The small space looked just like how we had left it the other day, meaning no one has actually discovered it yet.

I felt free in this small garden for it felt like a totally different world from me. The bright, dew-filled grass with little different colored flowers scattered here and there.

And the thing I loved the most was that there was a giant oak tree sitting in the middle of it all and a tire swing hanging from one of the big branches.

Speaking of tire swings, Henry ran over to it and slipped right through the donut-shaped object, lying on his abdomen as it swung back and forth from the impact.

I laughed at his playful attitude and sat at the foot of the tree (in a reasonable distance of course to not get hit by the swinging tire), and just exhaled really loudly, looking at the bright sky.

Sorry for the late update! At least I managed to write a chapter even though periodicals are next week.

Wish me luck!

I left it looking bit incomplete cuz there were just too many words and my laptop was already lagging.

Hahaha, unfortunately I wasn't able to write it on my phone because according to house rules, no using of phone while it's charging.

-PiperRunner ❤️

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