'Peter Parker'

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YOUR POV (What's new, really)

Minutes of playing around with Henry on the tire swing, my phone beeped from my back pocket.

Stopping, I pulled it out and checked my phone.

Momeeeee: Hey kid, I'm almost at the bus stop near your school. Where do you wan me to pick you guys up?

Well, the thing is, mom didn't really know about the secret hide out thing, but we did, however meet at the park bench a few trees from the small garden.

Y/N: The usual bench I guess?

Momeeeee: Why do you always wanna meet there anyways? That bench is so old.

Y/N: Henry and I have memories with that bench. Don't question us hahaha

Momeeeee: Okay, kiddo. Be there in five.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and grabbed Henry by his arms. He was still lying on his abdomen, wedged in the middle of the tire, swinging back and forth.

I pulled at both his arms and he fell out of the hole, into me, and we both stumbled onto the soft grass, laughing.

"Let's go Henry, mom's almost there." I told him, his striped scarf getting all over my face.

"Okayyy." He got up and brushed off his pants then helped me up shortly afterwards.

I picked up my backpack from the foot of tree and Henry did the same. Together, we headed for the metal door in which we first came through.

Once outside, Henry pulled the familiar rusted lock out of his pocket and put it back in place after closing the metal door.

We made our mission walking back the way we came, pushing through the many leaves (again), the many twigs (again), and the many branches (again). Bursting to the fresh air of a TOTALLY different world, Henry and I made our way to the bench a few trees down.


Once we got home, I immediately plopped onto the couch with Henry, who was already starting to play Super Smash Bros. 

"Kid, mind if I join you?" My mom's voice rang from behind us. 

Henry just nodded and tossed her a controller. I laughed at their childish behavior. There really isn't a mom like mine. And that's a good thing, by the way.

"I'm going to our room..." I announced and left.

Sitting down on the familiar desk I always worked with and opened my laptop.

*new email from Clarice*

My eyes widened in excitement as I clicked on her mail. I was finally getting to meet the 'new kid'. Seriously though, why would he come smack right in the middle of the school year.

From: Clarice Garcia
Cc: xxx
Subject: New Student
Message Size: xxx KB
Photo Size: Actual Size

Hi Y/N! The school emailed this to me about an hour ago, since, like I said, you're going to be the new kid's personal "tour guide" ;), I immediately forwarded this email to ya. Enjoyyy. Transfer Student information listed down below, complete with student solo picture. 

First Name: Peter
Second Name: None
Middle Initial: None
Last Name: Parker
Address: Vancouver

Age: (age not specified)
Birthdate: September 13, (year not specified)

Parents (Mother, Father): dead
Siblings: Madison Parker (dead)

Previous School: Home schooled

Student Picture:

I quickly typed a email to Clarice, telling her a thank you before scanning the student's basic information a bit more thoroughly

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I quickly typed a email to Clarice, telling her a thank you before scanning the student's basic information a bit more thoroughly. 

Not gonna lie, Clarice was right... he is kinda cute. But I could just see the negative energy radiating from him. And the look in his eyes were delivering a message similar to: "Touch me and I kill you.", you get me?

You know what? I'm guessing the reason why he looks like he never lets his guard down and could just literally kill anybody at any second is because his parents, his family is practically dead already. 

And the way he acts so secretive on the fill-out form already shows that he just can't trust anyone so easily.

Yeah, some deep crap going on here.

Anyways, I still couldn't get over the fact that his name is Peter Parker though. Like Spiderman. I mean, I'm a big Marvel fan, so why not. 

Suddenly, my mom "magically" just standing thee and leaning on the door frame, arms crossed and just looking at me. But not in the stalker kind of way, that's...just creepy. More like just observing me as I do "good work".


"So, what ya working on, kiddo?" She asked, not moving a muscle besides her facial ones. "Any new songs yet?"

"I'm reading the file Clarice sent me about the new kid I'm giving a tour around a school to tomorrow." I explained. "Oh, and the song thing? I got that covered."

"Oh really? May I read some of your new material?" She asked in a challenging tone, showing that she was completely uninterested in the new kid.

I rolled my eyes, laughing as I took out the familiar notebook that was mailed to me three years ago, packed from cover to cover with song lyrics that have never been heard before.

"Wow, where'd you get the time to write all of this? Usually I'd see you struggling with creating new song lyrics." She said, amused as she flipped through the notebook.

The thing is, mom didn't really know that these songs weren't my ideas. So I'm not sure if what I'm doing is illegal or not, but hey, it was mailed to me and it didn't exactly say who it was from. So I didn't really have a "choice".

"Yeah, well," I shrugged off the compliment. "I dunno, it just happens."

She chuckled and handed the notebook back to me. "Okay."

"So, what brings you here?" I asked her in a formal tone jokingly, as I placed the notebook back into my drawer. 

"Dinner's ready." She smirked, then ruffled my hair. "Oh yeah, Henry wants to play Super Smash with you after dinner."

I laughed and closed my laptop, following mom into the dinning area.

I have seriously not studied for the exams yet. I'm going to die. Hahahaha, hope ya'll liked this chappy! I'm trying to update as much as I can before my phone and laptop gets taken from me because I failed or something. 

I purple you! (notice the reference ;))


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