Monkey Business

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Please note that you, Emma, and Henry have like a clearing on the roof. Does that make sense? 

If it doesn't make sense I would recommend you watch 'S3 E12: New York Serenade' and see that Emma has taken Walsh to the rooftop of the apartment to "talk". 

And yes, I also know that they live in an apartment in the series but in my story they live in a house. I kinda messed up there. Hehe, sorry.


"Peter, how did you get here?" Emma asked.

It had been a full hour since she had woken up and collected her thoughts. Emma sent Henry to his room to do his homework, one of the many reasons why was because he was the only one who hadn't gotten his memories back. 

I took his place beside Emma and propped my elbows on my knees.

"Hook came here with me." He explained. "Whatever he did to get here, I don't know."

The was a full minute of silence. 

"All I know is that we've been jumping from realm to realm looking for your world." Peter added.

"Jumping from realm to realm?" I repeated. "How come?"

"Hook's a pirate, and well, the process of shifting from this world to other worlds is very complicated." He replied. "Hook even said he came by a few times, he even had to crash Emma's date."

Emma rolled her eyes then laughed slightly. "I even got him in jail."

"And that..." Peter smirked. "I had to bail him was awkward."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." I told them and stood from the couch. 

Opening the door, I find myself face to face with none other than Captain Hook himself. 

"Hello child, is your mother home?" He asked, quite weirdly. Probably thinking that I haven't got my memories yet. 

Looks like Peter and Hook haven't seen each other in awhile. 

"Emma and Peter are inside." I sighed and let him in. 

"Who is it?" Emma shouted from the living room. 

"Miss me, Swan?" I heard Hook say and I could almost imagine him smirking  as I closed the door and followed him into the living room. 


Hours later, we had dinner and Henry was quiet most of the time since he wasn't a big fan of new visitors. Especially one that has his left hand always in the same position in a black glove and a seriously weird get up. 

Henry ate less than he used to and excused himself. 

After Henry left, there was another knock on the door.

"Who's that?" Hook asked as all of our heads looked towards the direction of the sound. 

"Walsh." Emma muttered, a sad smile creeping onto her face. "Henry invited him."

"I can get rid of him." Hook was about to stand up when Emma stopped him. 

"No, my memories might not be real, but he is." She looked at us. "Stay here, all of you."

Peter's hand found it way under the table and he gripped my hand slightly. I didn't do anything else but grip back.

Emma stood up and reach for her coat on her way to the door. 

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