Drink Me

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I sat in class behind Peter's empty seat.

The boy was nowhere to be found after yesterday's incidents and I think he'll intend on staying that way.

Students have been giving me weird stares ever since I got here in school, and I feel like it had to do with Peter-killing-the-bully incident.

You know, since I was mainly the cause of why such a scene was made outside on the school yard.

As I was at my locker after third period, I pulled out my French textbook and something went with it and rolled a few centimeters across the floor.

Curious, I picked it up and realized it was the black bottle I found on the fire escape last night.

"Drink me"

The stupid words on the note was driving me insane. It was so inviting and it took half my willpower to not gulp down all it's contents.

As I was contemplating whether to take at least a small sip or not, the bell rang for next period and I hurried to my next class.


After school, I waited on a bench out on the yard and waited for my mom.

"(Y/N)." I heard a familiar voice call my name, sending multiple shivers down my spine.

I shipped my head around and just as I expected, the young murderer was standing behind me.

"M-may I help y-you?" I stuttered.

"You didn't drink it, did you?" He cocked and eyebrow as his eyes slowly filled with slight rage.

It took me a moment to realize that it was him who left the bottle of whatnot on my fire escape.

Now that I know, no way in hell I was going to drink that crap.

"No I didn't." I snapped back at him, this newfound pride in my voice. "Here's what I think of your little gift."

I opened my backpack and took out the small bottle and threw the bottle as far as I could.

"No!" Peter shouted at me as the bottle left my fingers.

I watched as it crashed onto the pavement and broke into a million pieces. A car passed by and ran over the broken pieces.

However, once it had passed, the glass vanished.

"Where—" Peter cut me off.

"Never mess with someone who turned into a bloody devil and killed your classmate right in front of you." He spoke in a deep voice.

I was at lost for words and when I opened my mouth, all that came out were weird and broken noises.

He pulled out the black bottle from his pocket and unscrewed the cork. Peter placed the spout at my lips and tried to force me to drink it.

"It says "drink me", (Y/N)." He said angrily. "You really think it's going to kill you?"

I kept my mouth shut as he tried to force the opening into my mouth. Peter, now impatient, pinched the tip of my nose to stop me from breathing.

My lungs slowly started losing air and I was forced to open my mouth for oxygen.

Slowly, I started gulping down the bittersweet liquid.

"Drink up, love." I could hear him smirking as the words left his mouth in a devilish tone.

Down to last drop, the unknown black substance passed through my throat and I could feel it moving through my insides.

"Good girl.."

The bottle finally left my lips and I inhaled a crazy amount of air, anxious that if I don't, I might die soon.

Which, in this case, I really was about to.

The world around me started turning as I felt Peter's hand caressing my cheek. "That wasn't so hard, now was it?"

My head was aching like there was something inside trying to expand until my head exploded.

"What was in that thing?" I managed to let out, my eyes now half lidded.

"Don't worry my love, you'll see..." He whispered, Peter's hot breath fanning against my ear. "You'll see..."

Those were the very last words I heard before I completely passed out.

You'll see.

Okay, I know this chapter was short but at least I'm freaking progressing! I'm on a roll with chapters today. 😂😂😂

I also know that this chapter had quite the mood change, and if you were uncomfortable about it...my apologies.

Thank you for reading, love you all, byeee!

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