Part VII

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We walked back to the tower he had stayed at before I leaned on the wall wondering what he would say. "Your not like most humans here, you came from a rich family but give to the poor. You often deal with politics and people yet you picked to fight with soldiers. You have magic abilities yet you much rather use weapons to fight. I might have misjudged you thinking you were just a different rich woman who was here to complain." My face was blank as I said "wow I have an elf watching me know great to know and yes if you wanted to know I don't think any different of your kind Solas they should not be slaves." His faced changed to shock as the words left my mouth before he calmly said "well then I'm sorry for being so rude earlier it wasn't necessary I just thought wrong." I nodded my head before he walked over to the wall and said "do you know the story of the elves and why I have such a hatred to the humans?"
"Yes I have herd most of it from scholars."
"But do you know the real part of it where your kind brought down the elves and forced them into slavery?"
"Not really no will you tell me?"
"It was pretty much the battle of the four races elves, humans, dwarves, and gods. All fighting for money and power over the other, the dwarfs fell first retreating into the ground and starting a new city there. Next came the gods who had to leave to keep the rest of the peace over the world so more battles wouldn't happen like that one did." Lester came the elves who fought hard but were over thrown by the numbers of soldiers who ran across the land like a plague killing everything that stood. The elves either got killed by your kind or forced into slavery and bound to the Vallaslin and their masters. This left many things uncared for and the land died as elves had to give up everything because of your kind..." by now solas had finished at the other side of the room as the paintings seemed to glow on the wall as the story went on. "This is why I don't like your people and I didn't like you, you reminded me of the rich slave owners that did this to the world." My head was down as I knew what he meant before I walked over to him putting my hand on his shoulder saying "I'm sorry I didn't know that part but not everything is gone from that time." He looked at me as I led him outside and into the open area where I reached into my pocked pulling out a little stone griffin. "This might backfire on me so if I die please hid my body." He laughed a little before I tossed the stone into the air raising my hand starting the spell. The stone carving changed into a real griffin and flew around the sky before landing next to me. I smiled before pointing my hand at solas letting the griffin turn to him and rub its head on his arm. He looked at it before saying "it's magnificent." He touched it head before it jumped into the grabbing him by the arm and pulling him up along with it. He grabbed on tightly trying not to fall as I was on the ground laughing, moments later tho I got hit on the back of the head by a position that stung making me drop the magic. The griffin disappeared dropping solas a few feet off the ground as I was on the ground grabbing my head. Solas came over quickly seeing what happened before he saw the blue glow of Lyrium from the position and a girl running away laughing. I sat up trying to stop the pain before solas took it away saying "that's normal Lyrium why did that hurt your magic?" I rubbed my head before saying "it's nothing goodnight." I quickly rushed off to my room before running into Cullen who looked shocked to see me up. "Please Cullen don't ask." He said nothing but followed be back to my room and closed the door saying "let me help." I moved my hand off the side of my neck where I was hit by it leaving a inflamed red mark that was burning up. Cullen took a small cloth and elf root from the garden before going back to me saying "I'm so sorry this happened Miss (L/n) what did happen?" I looked at the floor away from him before saying "it's nothing Cullen please don't worry I'll be alright." He sighed before reaching up to my neck and placing the cloth in it as I grabbed his hand from the pain. He blushed looking away as I quickly let go saying "I'm sorry it just hurt." He stopped most of the Baluch and looked over saying "it's uh alright (Y/n) no harm done, anyways I'll take my leave and talk to solas to see what happened please just rest." He quickly got up still blushing a bit and walked out of the room as I giggled saying "he's cute." I was just really half I had gotten away before anyone else asked why the Lyrium affected me in this way. I then laid back and fell asleep for the rest of the morning until about 7 when I got up again and looked in a small mirror. The mark was still red but that was all as I sighed putting on robes and walking down the the training yard finding Cullen already working. I smiled and walked up to him saying "thanks." He nodded before turning and yelling at a group of men to use a shield for blocking. It was really funny as I helped out and the day went on.

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