chapter seven

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While i was reading a book i saw a notification on my laptop.

Manu sent you a message in MyWorld.

I was surprised to see that.seriously that bighead sent me a message?what could that be?

Quickly i opened the game to see his message.

Hey nuha,what's up?

Is this real?did someone prick on his head for it to strink?

I checked whether he's online.yes he is.i sent him a reply.

"Hey manu.nothing much.just bored.what about u?"

He sent me an invite to a party without replying to my text.i joined and saw him there.

"Hey are u?"

Fine if he tries to be good ill do the same.

"Im good whats ur city?"

"Im from colombo..and u?"


"Woah,so you're a kandyan"

"U can say that"

"U have facebook?"

Typical boy.

"No manu.i dont:)"

"What about instagram?"

"Lol no manu.i dont have social media.the only thing i use is google plus but not much."

"Haha,then u can add me there"

"But why"

"We can talk there dumbo"

What did he just call me?dumbo??how can he give me a nick name that

"But we do the same here right?"

"Umm then i can see u in there..this is just virtual."

"I dont post much there manu.specially not my photos."

"Lol why?"

"Because i dont an introvert to be honest.just started this game to socialise atleast virtually"

"I see.anyway add me in g+.i promise not to bother u."

"U are not gonna let me go with this yeah??lol okay tell me ur username"

"Haha its manusha perera"

"I'll send u a request.accept nuhansi fernando"

"Oookay nuhansiiiiii"

This guy is acting this the same guy i met first or someone else was using his account before.

I opened my g+ account and typed manusha perera in search showed me around 5 to 6 results.

"Hey manu..there are like 5 accounts with that name.whats your profile picture?"

"A portrait picture..maybe the ugliest prifile picture from those"

"Lmao manu.tell me!the one only a face is shown?kinda chubby?"

"Haha u got me at one shot nuhansi!"

"Okay please be kind enough to accept it.hahaha"

"Ummm lets"


He sent a "hey" in g+ just after like 2 minutes.

"Nuhansi is that u in ur profile picture?"

"Yeah.who else.u saw the most weird girl in the world there?hahaha"

"Noo..u are cute~blush face~"

"Lol thanks?"

"Rate me too nuhansii!"

"u are looking good~blush face~"

"Haha be honest."

"So i am"

"Okay so how old are u?"

"18..and you?"


"Haha okay"

"No 18"

"Lmao old are u?"

"Okay im 17"

"Awww u are little"

"No im not-_-is it a problem?"

"What problem?"

"For the friendship?"

So im manusha's new friend.noted.

"Lmao.theres nothing like that!"

"Im glad nuhansi."

"Btw manu i gotta go"


"Dinner time:P bye see you later."

"Bye nuhansi"

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