Let us

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Ship : OT9 (But also kinda Minho centric)

Word count: 4981 (Probably the most I've ever written lol)

If the members really dwelled on it, they'd recall that Minho had always been there for them. Sure during some lives, he would respond a tad bit soullessly, but it was known that was because he would've been working right before the live. He took it as his responsibility to cook, seeing as the members really liked his cooking. He also taught the dances, helped them when they couldn't get it down. Along with helping the rest, Minho also had to devote time to himself.

It went into practicing his vocals and rap. Often he would stay in the practice room for hours, trying to perfect everything he could and would only go back to the dorms if someone dragged him out of there. But it hurt Minho when he realized, it wasn't enough.


JYP looked at him over the top of his glasses. "You need to work harder, Minho." the man said, his words like knives.

The dancer's nails dug into his palms. "I'm sorry, sir," he muttered, not knowing what else to say.

The CEO flipped through the pages on the desk, sighing. "There have been several comments. Some about the slip up on Show Champion. Some say that your vocals aren't steady enough. There are also comments about your diet."

It was as if all of his efforts had been deemed useless.

"Just because I allowed you to come back, doesn't mean to take lightly of your performance. Felix is also improving a lot, I don't see why you can't."

'Ah.' thought Minho, bitterly. 'Because Felix is good at everything.'

'I will definitely make sure to work harder sir." he said, bowing apologetically.

JYP nodded and excused him. The boy dragged himself to the practice room, his heart slowly crumbling. He felt like all that he had ever done was just pushed off as nothing, and now his efforts were never recognized.


Seungmin approached the older curious. "What did PD-him say?"

Minho smiled softly. "Nothing much. We just talked about my progress." he lied.

Seungmin smiled brightly. "You really are doing great, Hyung. I'm glad PD-him recognized your efforts."

Slowly Minho felt his heart clench. "Thanks, Seungminnie."

They walked into the practice room together, the other members fooling around.

"Ah, Hyung! Save me!"

Mingo's head snapped to the group at the sound of Hyunjin's ungodly shrieks. He stumbled as Hyunjin grabbed his arm, hiding behind him.

"What even-"

"Get back here, you brat!" yelled Felix.

"What did you do, Jinnie?" chuckled Minho.

"I just teased him about his pictures! I do that to everyone!" he whined.

The oldest dancer rolled his eyes and opened his arms slightly, Felix immediately settling in his embrace.

"Don't worry about it, Lix," he whispered, putting his back.

Felix pouted. "But you guys know how much I hate talking about my pre-debut pictures," he muttered.

Hyunjin hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry, Lix," he whispered.

Chan watched as the two boys hugged, Minho watching them fondly.

"Damn, Minho-hyung's good," commented Changbin, smiling.

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