Hyunjin x Jisung

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Ship: Hyunsung
Word count: 5041

 Hyunjin and Jisung hated each other from the moment they met each other. The dancer didn't know why but their first interaction turned sour and since then, they were always at each other's throat.

Since both were attending an arts college, they were required to take four compulsory classes out of which they could choose advanced classes for any. Hyunjin had chosen advanced classes for dance while Jisung had taken in for music production and rap.

Unfortunately, the advanced classes were there, but they had to attend regular classes too, and thus they saw each other more than they would've liked. Along with this, they had opted for the same class of psychology.

"You're gonna burn holes into his head." murmured Hyunjin's friend Seungmin, not taking his eyes off the presentation, rapidly jotting down his notes.

Hyunjin growled under his breath, making the poor unsuspecting boy jump. "That little bi-"

"Hyunjin, you're falling behind."

Immediately, the black-haired boy grabbed his pen, messily writing down everything the professor had been rambling about for the past twenty minutes.

The bell echoed through the building making them sigh in relief. Hyunjin threw his stuff into his bag, rushing out of the lecture hall, Seungmin matching his pace.

The crowd parted slightly upon seeing the two boys furiously walking to somewhere, their footsteps echoing against the floors.

Hyunjin and Seungmin had been friends since second grade and it wasn't a miracle that they were still such good friends. If they were honest, they'd passed the level of friends and considered each other brothers.

Their footsteps were in sync as they made their way to the cafeteria, stomachs whining for food. Three boys waved like madmen at SeungJin, a little too hyper for anyone's liking. 

"Hyunjin-hyung! Seungmin-hyung!" greeted one of them.

Cutie Yang Jeongin was the only boy who could melt anyone's heart with his innocence and brightness. Despite being one year younger, the boy had quickly consolidated his position in their group, leading to immediate envy amongst other students.

"What took you so long?" whined the boy next to Jeongin.

Lee Felix, the handsome freckled transfer from Australia with an alarmingly deep voice. Due to the beauty standards in Korea, Felix began to hide his wonderful freckles, to make people like him and unhappiness seemed to become a usual expression on his face. The only person who managed to help him out of that stage was-

"Don't worry, Lix. They're practically on time."

-Bang Chan. A fellow transfer from dear old, Aussieland but had come a year earlier than Felix. He took Felix under his wing and showed him the ropes of how living in Korea went, how to improve his Korean and most importantly, how beautiful his freckles were.

The younger nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "I know Channie."

Hyunjin and Seungmin shared a knowing glance. With the pet names, exclusive closeness and sweet exchanges of sickeningly sappy looks, if it wasn't already painfully obvious, the two Aussies were dating. 

Seungmin plopped down next to the youngest pressing their lips together. They were dating too. Jeongin giggled, his eyes crinkling at the edges. An inaudible sigh left Hyunjin's lips as he grabbed his burger and began taking off its wrapper, eyes sweeping around the room absentmindedly. His eyes landed on a particular blue-haired boy and instantly he scowled, biting into the burger aggressively.

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