Jisung x Changbin

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Jisung is a singer at a bar, trying to keep his life together. Changbin is a rich man who stumbles across Jisung's beautiful voice and becomes addicted.

Jisung hated his job. Mainly because he worked at a bar. He hated alcohol and its effect on people. He wasn't a bartender (thankfully) but was a singer there. He was usually very insecure about his voice, but desperate times called for desperate measures. He would go the bar, sing almost five songs, hang as if he wanted to be there (truth: he didn't want to be there) and then leave after getting his pay. 

But it wasn't only that, Jisung also worked in two other places. In the morning, from 5:30 to 10:30 he worked at the public library, then from 11:00 to 3:00 he helped kids at a cooking class. Then from 3:15 to 9:00 he attended his evening classes before rushing to the bar and eventually reaching home at 12:00. It was exhausting and he could feel himself losing strength every day.

But it was the only way he could live. So he had to do it.

Like usual, he slipped into a pair of skin-tight jeans and a silk shirt before walking onto the small stage. The bar he worked in was classy, and it was where the majority of deals between businessmen happened.

He adjusted the mic and nodded to the man in the wings to start the accompaniment. He usually sang sad songs, because it fit the mood and wouldn't disturb the people who were handling important deals.

Jisung often lost himself in the moments he sang songs. It was the one time that people didn't know him as Han Jisung but as 'the singer from the bar'. And he liked that. He didn't want to be someone that could be recognized, he wanted to be someone that they wouldn't bat an eyelash at.

As usual, he rushed home at around 11:30, collapsing onto his bed once he reached. His bones ached from running around and he hated the amount of responsibility he had to take despite being so young. With a sigh, he sat up and pulled an old photograph from the box next to his bed. He ran his thumb over it gently, as if he was caressing his cheek. Tears filled his eyes as he stared at him, with his beautiful brown hair that was tousled by the wind and deep brown eyes that were sparkling with mirth.

"Oh hyung...I miss you," he whispered, trying to stifle his sobs. 

Lee Minho. The boy in the picture. Jisung's best friend. He had vanished two years ago, leaving him alone, to fend for himself. But Jisung could never bring himself to hate the older. They were so close, Minho treated him like a younger brother. They bickered but at the end of the day ended up cuddling.

"Why did you leave?"


Changbin rolled his eyes as the man in front tried to argue with him.

"Sir, this is my offer. Take it or leave it. If you choose not to accept it, negotiations will break down and Seo Corporation will no longer be a business partner." he said, firmly.

The boy wasn't one to get angry but he had been sitting for almost an hour and a half trying to negotiate with the man. The man huffed but nodded, quite reluctantly.

"Great. The CEO will get back to you with all the details and formalities. You can expect them by tomorrow afternoon. We'll give you a week to send the confirmations back. It was good doing business with you, Mr. Choi."

The man, Choi Seungcheol, smiled tiredly and shook the younger's outstretched hand. "Isn't it tough, Changbin? At such a young age?"

Changbin sighed. "I'm doing my best, sir. Don't want to be a disappointment," he said, his smile turning bitter. 

Seungcheol easily identified the regretful undertone and underlying sharp meaning. "Good luck, kiddo. Sometimes...it's better to leave and make yourself happy, then stay and make everyone else happy, ya know." With one last smile, he walked out of the bar leaving Changbin in his thoughts.

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