Hyunjin x Chan

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When Chan helped Hyunjin when he had no one.

Hyunjin lost everything he had in the span of a night. It's truly is scary how much your life can fall apart in eight hours. And it was all because he had agreed to go to one of those stupid parties.

Though Hyunjin was popular, he never felt comfortable in those crowded environments with sweaty bodies everywhere and random people making out. But Felix ended up dragging him there, and he had never felt more out of place. 

Hyunjin never wanted the 'popular' life. It came with so many expectations that he was.....well, expected to satisfy. People saw him as the daring, handsome, rebel bad boy type. He was really that "I would rather stay in sweatpants and a hoodie while watching reruns of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and eating pizza" type of guy.

So, he ended up standing awkwardly in a corner, wanting nothing more than to run back home, shimmy out of his leather, skin-tight jeans and loose t-shirt and slip into bed with a tub of ice cream, watching Netflix.

It only became increasingly uncomfortable when people approached him, attempting to grind on him and trying to kiss him. He escaped to the backyard, relieved when he saw there were fewer people. He breathed in the fresh(er) air.

"Oh. What is the great Hwang Hyunjin doing here?"

Hyunjin turned to see a buff guy who he recognized from the football team. Jackson Wang. 

"I'm not a crowd person," he said, honestly.

Jackson held out a drink in his direction which he refused.

"Come on. You're here to party, right? Live a little. Enjoy it."

Hyunjin hesitated. There was an important lesson in every book right? Don't drink anything unless you've poured it yourself and it's from a closed bottle. Don't drink the fruit punch because it's practically never fruit punch. But maybe Jackson was right. Maybe it was time he lived a little. So he took the cup from him and downed the contents. He grimaced at the bitter taste that lingered in his throat and the burning sensation it had entered with.

"That was gross."

"Well alcohol is gross." teased Jackson.

Hyunjin didn't really remember much of the night. But when he woke up with a headache, he was horrified when he found hickeys littered on his neck and chest. He felt his stomach churn and he rushed to the bathroom, empty what was in his stomach out. He gagged, the taste of bile disgusting him and eyes burning with tears.

He almost upturned the bathroom until he found some concealer and foundation. He quickly covered the bruises and stumbled out. Trying to make sense of what had happened.

No, he knew he hadn't had sex with anyone. He was sure of that. But something made his heart uneasy, like the calm before the storm.

The storm indeed blew when he went to school on Monday. Everyone looked at him in disgust, like he was a murderer or worse. He kept his head down, confusion rattling in his brain. He looked up and saw his best friends. Kim Seungmin, Lee Felix and Han Jisung.

He immediately smiled. His friends could explain what was happening right?


He stopped. His friends looked away. Jisung peeped a glance at him but the disappointment was evident in his eyes. They walked away, leaving Hyunjin there, shell shocked. That's when he became completely aware of the whispers and the stares. Feeling scared he ran out, all the way to the rooftop, slumping against one of the walls. He grabbed his phone, opening Twitter, frowning when he found thousands of comments directed towards him. 

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