Chan x ????

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"Come on! Channie!" whined BamBam.

Chan sighed. "You're literally the most annoying person on this planet, jeez fine."

The Thai boy cheered, jumping up and down before dragging the other by his elbow out of the room.

The Australian sighed again, stumbling behind his tall friend. "I don't get it! Why do I have to come?"

BamBam pushed him into the cafe. "Because 97 liners need to know each other! It's better when you have friends your age, ya know?"

They walked over to a table that was occupied by another pair.

"I brought him~" sang BamBam sang, jumping into one of the seats. Chan slipped into the seat next to him.

One of them slipped off their mask. "Hey, Channie! Long time no see."

"Yugyeom!" exclaimed Chan, grinning. "It's been so long!"

He turned his gaze to the other, still-masked, stranger. They slowly took off their mask, revealing their pearly white teeth and slightly chubby cheeks. "Hello," they said, their voice deep, a gentle and polite smile on their face.

Chan's eyes widened in shock and his mouth fell open slightly.

"I'm Jungkook from BTS."

"Chan? Chaaaaaan," whispered BamBam, trying to snap him out of his stupour. 

The young leader bowed his head. "Hello, Jungkook-sunbaenim," he said, feeling nervous.

Jungkook visibly cringed. "Please, drop the sunbaenim, it's weird when we're the same age," he said, chuckling embarrassedly.

Chan nodded, biting his lip nervously. 

"Great, now that we're all acquainted let's go order something?"

Yugyeom and BamBam got up in unison, and skipped over to the counter to order, leaving Jungkook and Chan to save their table.

" long have you known BamBam and Yugyeom?" asked Jungkook, trying to dispel the awkward silence.

Chan couldn't help but feel grateful for his attempt. "Well, I trained with them for a long time, almost six to seven years? BamBam and I were really close then and we were supposed to debut together but he went for the battle with YG and he could debut."

The golden maknae nodded seriously. "But I think it had its benefits. Stray Kids wouldn't be Stray Kids without you, hm?"

He smiled at that sentence, a feeling of pride and happiness filling his stomach. "Thank you," said the blonde, smiling softly.

Jungkook blinked slowly before nodding, returning his own smile.

"It's your turn~," said Yugyeom, returning with BamBam.

Chan nodded, jumping out of his seat, Jungkook following suit. They walked up to the counter, staring at the menu.

"I'll get the strawberry bubble tea and chocolate chiffon cake please," said Chan smiling.

He recalled the time their group had gone to New York and how he'd fumbled on his ordering when ordering a strawberry sugar cone. The memory made him snicker.

"What're you laughing about?"

Chan giggled. "There was a time we went to new york for KCON and we went to some diner. I went to order a strawberry sugar cone and went 'And a dallgi-' and the lady was so confused." he burst into a fit of giggles. 

Jungkook giggled along with him, pulling out his wallet and reached into it to pay. Chan quickly caught on and reached out to take his own wallet but he was stopped by the other.

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