Minho x Jeongin

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Ship: Minho x Jeongin

Word count:1848

(Cuz I'm a sucker for them)

Minho shivered, wrapping his jacket around him closer. The biting cold wind caused him to shudder again. He curled into a ball on the ground in an effort to use his body heat to warm up. It was no use because his skin too had become cold.

'Stupid faggot! Get out of my house!'

He choked back a sob. Why did things turn out like this? 

"Oh my goodness sir! Are you okay?"

Minho felt himself being pushed to a sitting position. He raised his head weakly, meeting warm brown eyes that were filled with worry.

"Lee Minho?" gasped the stranger.

Minho's head swam, he couldn't think straight. With a groan. he fell into the stranger's arm and blacked out.

Yang Jeongin was cursing his best friend. If Hwang Hyunjin hadn't made him follow Han Jisung for so long maybe he could've been at home curled by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate. The things he did for that boy. 

Of course, Jeongin wanted to get home quickly, but when he saw someone lying on the ground, curled into a ball, he couldn't ignore them. He felt fear fill his veins, worried the person wouldn't wake up.

"Oh my goodness sir! Are you okay!" he said, slowly pushing him into a sitting position. The stranger slowly lifted his head and Jeongin couldn't hold back the gasp that escaped his lips.

He could recognize those doe eyes anywhere, and it baffled the young boy that Lee Minho was the stranger curled up on the floor. He only began to panic more, when Minho fell limp in his arms. 

He pulled the older to his feet, swaying a bit due to his weight. However, when he felt Minho pressed against him, he couldn't stop the heat from rushing to his cheeks.

"Now's not the time for your gay ass to get flustered," he chided to himself quietly.

As quick as he could with his noodle arms, Jeongin dragged the senior to his house. Smacking the door open, he stumbled into his house, Minho hanging in his arms.

"Mom! Help!" he yelled, struggling to keep both of them upright. 

His mother came rushing into the room, eyes widening at the sight of a passed out boy in her son's arms. She took him out of Jeongin's hands and gasped, feeling the boy's freezing cold skin.

"Get the hot packs, I'll lay him down in the guest room. Get some extra bedsheets while you're at it," she ordered, rushing to the room.

In half an hour, they had tucked the boy in and bundled him up, to keep him warm.

"What happened?" asked his mother.

Jeongin shrugged. "I found him curled up on the ground. When I sat him upright, he passed out in my arms. God knows how long he was out there." 

The woman sighed in worry. "We'll keep him here, right?" she asked.

"If you don't mind. If he was out on a November night with nothing but a jacket and sweatpants, lying on the floor, I'm guessing his family isn't eager to hear from him."

The woman nodded. "If he wakes up, give him the porridge and water," she instructed before leaving the room.

Jeongin nodded. Once his mother left he stared at the boy lying in bed. Everyone knew Lee Minho. He was one of the most popular people in college, part of the renowned dance crew that consisted of him, Hyunjin, Felix, Ji Changmin, Lee Juyeon, Heo Hyunjoon, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook, and Kim Jongin.

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