Jisung x Seungmin

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Jisung leaned back in his chair, a pleased smile on his face. He finally pressed the upload button before moving away to grab his school bag. Just as he pulled his mask off and put it into his drawer, he heard the doorknob turn. He shut the drawer quickly and turned to the opening door. 


He smiled. "Gran. What's up?"

"I was just going to ask if you wanted anything to eat."

"I'd like that, Gran," he said kindly, appreciating the way the sweet woman's face lit up.

She led him to the kitchen and immediately placed a plate in front of him, filled with cookies.

"Chocolate chip?" he asked, already knowing the answer. 

"You know it hon."

He grinned taking a bite out of one of them. He savored the way the chocolate melted in his mouth and the cookie was chewy yet crunchy.

"Delicious like always, Gran. I swear you get better and better as the days go by."

"I'll say."

They turned to see an old man standing at the doorway, a gentle smile on his face. 

"Grandpa!" greeted Jisung, rushing over to the man and hugging him.

"I'm home, Jisung. Have you been good?"

"Of course!" he said, his cheeks puffing in protest. The elderly couple laughed. 

The atmosphere made Jisung's chest warm. 

"You have school tomorrow. Are you done with homework?" asked his grandma, making him nod.

"As far as I remember, I finished everything," he said, stuffing another cookie into his mouth. 

"Squirrel," teased Grandpa Han, poking his cheek.

He stuck his tongue out playfully. "I'll be in my room, okay? Call me if you need help with anything."

The elderly couple nodded and the teen rushed to his room. He fell onto his bed after closing the door and opened Instagram, wincing at the sheer amount of messages. He scrolled through them and then froze, seeing a familiar username.

skymin0922 wants to send you a message

Jisung hesitated, his finger hovering over the icon for a while. He knew Kim Seungmin, heck sometimes he wished he didn't know the boy. 

Kim Seungmin, the school's dandy boy, one of the smartest students. A member of the debate team, topper of almost all subjects, extraordinary at photography. And...exceptionally beautiful himself. Seungmin had chocolate brown eyes with similar colored hair, his chubby cheeks the cutest to Jisung, pearly white teeth, and beautiful tan skin. To Jisung, he was nothing short of ethereal, an angel on earth, bewitching--he could go on and on. 

Sighing he ruffled his hair before clicking on it. 

That's it, I can't take it. I need to ask you this. How? Are you so good at singing? Like your voice is so stunning! UGh, your recent cover, for Downpour by I.O.I !! You sang it with so much emotion I'm speechless, it was like you shared their pain or something...it was breathtaking. How is your voice so melodic, so clear and so beautiful?

Jisung stared at the message, shocked. He'd gotten many messages, telling him that he sang beautifully, that his voice was so pretty. But hearing it from someone he admired himself, someone he knew personally and looked up to...Jisung burst into a vibrant blush. He held his arm up to shield his cheeks from anyone's sight, though no one was around, to hide the redness on the apple of his cheeks. His heart hammered wildly against his sternum, and his brain was racing thoughts. 

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