Felix x Hyunjin x Minho

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In today's world, society had finally accepted hybrids, letting them live freely, without the fear of being whisked away to sketchy laboratories or made into weird fetish satisfiers.

With such a big step achieved, the hybrids all around the world began to show themselves proudly, happy to not have to hide anymore.

One of these hybrids was Lee Felix. The cat hybrid had hidden away for the majority of his childhood, cautious and careful of everything and everyone, like his mother. But when he was sixteen, governments around the world began passing protection laws for hybrids, and the boy was ecstatic.

He couldn't be hurt anymore. He was validated and free like every other being.

But he was wrong.

When Felix was eighteen, fresh out of high school, he met his first boyfriend. It never went well between them, Felix was blindly in love and his boyfriend...not the best person. Two years later, the hybrid put it behind him, but he vowed he would never let himself fall in love again. 


"Welcome to Kim Kraze! May I take your order?" 

The couple smiled at the boy. "Today's special?"

"Of course! The Valentine's Day special of a plate of pink macaroons, a strawberry milkshake and a box of chocolates?"

They exchanged a look before nodding. "Yes please."

"I'll be right out with your order! Until then, I hope you'll enjoy the entertainment!" he said, bowing before rushing to the kitchen.

"Minho-hyung! Another Valentine special!" called out the waiter, hanging the paper on the line with a clip, grabbing the plates set out for a table.

"Okay, Lix!" answered the baker from behind the open doors of the refrigerator.

 Felix rushed away, balancing the huge plate of food in his hands as he approached another table.

"Hi! Your order is ready! The Valentine's Day special, right?"

The boys nodded excitedly, making him chuckle. "Enjoy your food boys!"

He saw a customer's hand go up and he immediately skidded over to them. "Yes, how may I help you?"

The girl pointed at the singer who stood on the stage, softly singing love songs. "Is it okay to give recommendations?"

Felix nodded. "Of course! Jisung can sing almost any song so you can go right up to him and give him a song!" he informed.

She thanked him before getting out of her seat and skipping over to the squirrel-like boy. Felix smiled politely to her boyfriend before rushing back to the kitchen.

"Lix! Get those orders out, it's getting cramped!" yelled the baker, making him respond with an affirmative yell.

He piled the plates into two huge plates and rushed out. Placing each on one table he thanked them softly before scurrying away.

He closed the door of the backroom, pulling off the dress shirt and pants, slipping into his sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. His ears twitched adorably as he packed his stuff, his tail swishing slightly in beat with the music that played. He swung his bag over his shoulder before walking out, seeing the last few customers walk out.

"Ah, Lix. Done changing?" asked Minho, coming out of the kitchen.

Felix nodded, making him quicken his pace. 

"Jinnie should be here in a few minutes, give me a sec, hm?"

The hybrid nodded, sauntering over to one of the couches and flopping onto it tiredly.

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