Seungmin x Changbin

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Ship: Seungmin x Changbin

Word count: 1400

(Seungmin's story, from JiLix's story)

Seungmin disliked his life. It wasn't burning hate, but a dull pain. Jisung had been the one to pull him from his slump, making his days bearable, till they met their five other friends.

So when Jisung fell in love, he made it his mission to make sure that his best friend was happy. In the end, Jisung did end up happy. And that made Seungmin happy. Yes, Jisung got hurt a lot. And so did Felix. But they were happy now. That's what mattered.

"Seungmin, I hope you haven't forgotten."

The boy shook his head, smiling politely. "Of course not, ma'am," he said.

The next day was the talent showcase. Seungmin always participated, not to get profit from it, but because he wanted something to keep him busy at the end of the year. To distract him...

Seungmin hadn't always been so cold. No, he'd just been hurt. Because he'd fallen in love and that boy had left him. If he closed his eyes and concentrated enough he could almost hear the older's stupid laugh. 

Seo Changbin had been the cause of Kim Seungmin's euphoria.  It was cheesy but true. He brought life and laughter to the younger's life and went he left, he took all that with him.

The short male had been whisked off to the States and had disappeared without telling Seungmin, leaving him devastated. Jisung being the faithful best friend he was, stuck with Seungmin for as long as he needed. 

But what Seungmin didn't know was that Changbin was equally devastated. His father had forced him to go to the States and it all happened so fast. His phone was taken away and he was given a new one. And what hurt him the most was that his dad was doing it because of Seungmin. But he was going to make everything right soon. 

The day of the talent showcase was the day after Jisung was discharged. The boy was practically bursting with energy, running around the house like a hyperactive squirrel (which is what he was).

"Calm down Jisung." hissed Seungmin the next day when it was almost the younger's turn.

"I can't wait to hear your voice again, Min."

Seungmin looked away, guilty. After Changbin had left, he had stopped singing. Because the stupid boy wasn't there to remind him that his voice was beautiful.

No other words were exchanged because Seungmin's name was called. He walked onto the stage nervously, immediately searching for Jisung. Once their eyes met, he relaxed a little. He would do well. For Jisung.

It was a really hard day today
My heart aches for you
The only thing I can do for you
Is to be next to you, I'm sorry

You're so pretty when you smile
So every time you lose that smile
Even if I have to give my all
I want to give it back to you

I want to cry for you
I want to hurt instead of you
I don't want any scars in your heart
Ever again

When you love someone
So much that it overflows
It's so amazing
Because this is how it is

Seungmin closed his eyes, holding onto the mic tightly and letting himself sink into the song. It was a song he listened to frequently, mainly because of its calming vibes and touching lyrics.

This is a song for you
I'm singing for you

This is a song for you
I'm singing for you
I'll give you my everything

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