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1 week later

Billie's POV

This had been one of the worst weeks of my life. I don't know what to say to everyone and I don't want to talk about it so for the past weeks I locked myself in my room and blocked out the world. I have hardly eaten anything. I was meeting my friends today but I really don't want to go. They all decided that they were going to cheer me up by taking me out for the day. I had said no many times but they said that they would drag me there if I didn't come. We were meeting at 11 and it was 10 now so I should get ready. I forced myself out of bed and looked for something to wear. I saw the clothes that Lexie had lent me still in my closet. We had been texting all night. I told her about everything. I feel like I can trust her even though we have only know each other for a few weeks. I missed her. I haven't seen her since are first kiss as she had been busy with work. I wish that it was her I'm seeing not my friends. I picked out a black hoodie and matching sweatpants with black trainers. I walked down the steps avoiding my family. "See you all later." I said as I passed them in the kitchen. They looked surprised that I had actually gone.

I walked out the house to see my friends pulling up to me. "Get in." They yelled opening the back door. I sat in the back seat as everyone stared at me. their  were 5 of us so we all fit perfectly in the car. I was with the twins and there girlfriends. They hadn't been dating long so I didn't really know them but they seem nice. We drove around for a bit and I listened to them talking but didn't say anything. "I'm hungry." One of the girls said. The twins looked at me knowing that I'm not in the mood to speak to fans. They turned down a side street and drove till we came to a small cafe. Of all of the places that we could have gone to they had to pick this one. She was working today as well.

They parked outside and we all went into the cafe. Elijah and the girls sat down so me and Isaac went to order. Lexie was standing behind the counter. "Good morning what can I get you today?" She said not noticing me as I was hiding behind Isaac. "Umm... 3 Mocha's and a Americano." He ordered stepping aside to let me go. Fancifully Lexie turned and started to make the drinks before seeing me. "I'll get them you go sit down." I Said. Isaac went to join the others leaving me and Lexie alone. "Anything else?" She said turning around and sitting the drinks in front of me. "Yeah I'll have some alcohol free beer." I replied smiling. "Not on the menu but we do have some." She said trying to act like she didn't know me. We hadn't spoken about what we are going to tell people. If we are going to tell people. What we even are. All I know is that I like her. She had her hair down today which she doesn't often do for work. It suit her. "That will be $12.50. I will go get the beer." She said as I handed her the amount. I picked up the drinks and walked over the others. They were all talking about some basketball game and took the drinks gleefully.

I heard the sound of someone walking over to are table and turned to see Lexie. With a beer. Great. I guess I'm trying beer. That'll ill be fun. "Here you go." Lexie said laughing at the look of disgust on my face. She handed me a open bottle of Peroni Libera. She didn't leave, obviously waiting for me to try it. The others were focused on there conversation and hadn't noticed what was happening. She sat down next to me and took the beer from my hand. "I'll try it first." She said and winked at me. She took a sip from the bottle handing over to me. I bought it to my lips and drank. That second the liquid hit my tongue I knew I had mad a mistake. I slammed the bottle to the table and spat the gross liquid all over Lexie. She looked so mad. She picked up the bottle and poured what was left all over me. I was mad now and she could tell. She jumped up from her seat and ran into the kitchen. Everyone was staring at me. I pushed past the tables and followed her into the kitchen. The others close behind me. She was standing in the corner next to the sink with a glass of water in her hand. I stepped in front of her and tipped the contents of the glass over her before she had the chance to throw it on me. She looked beautiful with wet hair and slightly ruined makeup. I stepped closer to her and put my arms around her waist. She put down the glass and placed her hands of my checks and kissed me. The kiss lasted for about two minutes until I felt someone tapping my solider. Fuck. My friends are still here. I pulled away to see the four of them staring at me. "Sorry." Lexie whispered and walked out of the kitchen. 

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