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(They are back home after the tour a few weeks later)

Lexie's POV

"Goodbye baby." Billie whispered to me kissing my forehead. "I love you." I quietly said back. "I love you too. See you soon." She said as I walked away from the car. "I'm finally home." I sighed as I entered my apartment.  "I missed you!" Lilly yells picking me up and spinning around. "I missed you two." I Said as she put me down. We hugged and she helped me bring my bags to my room. "You shower then I need to hear everything." She said walking out the room. I had a quick shower and changed into my pyjamas before joining Lilly on the couch. "What do you want to know?" I asked sitting next to her.we sat and talked about the tour, Australia and me and Billie. She looked at my ring for about 10 after I told her that story. Telling her everything really mad me appreciate how my life has changed since I met Billie. I was working in a shitty cafe as a waitress now I'm travelling and experiencing thins I couldn't have any other way. I'm happier then I ever believed possible all because of Billie. I really do love her.

Billie's POV

"Welcome home." My mom said rushing to help with are bags. We already dropped everyone else home so it's just me and Finneas. Dads no were to be seen. The realisation of what happened suddenly hit me. They won't live together. They won't force us to have dinner as a family. They won't laugh together. Or be together at all. I missed it all. Why can't we just be happy? I didn't show my emotions but instead hugged her. "I miss you so much. And this house. And my BED." I Said suddenly excited at the thought of finally getting to sleep in my own room. "Yes, ummm... about the house. Me and your father decided that it would be best if we sell the house. You can live with Finneas for a bit and then when you're old enough you can buy your own home." She said not looking at me. "I already agreed to it. you can decorate your room however you like." Finneas Said trying to convince me. I want to make this as easy for my parents as possible so I agreed to it. I still don't like it but I just have to live with it. Apparently we already have someone buying are house. I'm really out of the loop. Everyone knows what's going on and I have to blindly go along with it. It'll be fun livening with Finneas. He said that we will have to convert of the quest room into a studio. That means with me also living there we don't have a guest room. He said we need a sofa-bed and apparently it's my job to buy one. It's not that bad. I don't have to sleep on it. It'll be wired to leave. I've grown up here and in 1 week I'll be gone. My mom wants me to leave slightly earlier then she does so I'll e out of the way.  

The next day

 I woke up to the sound of someone yelling at me. "What the fuck!" I yelled back at my brother. "You need to get up. It's 6pm." Said sitting next to me on my bed. How did I sleep all day? I must have been tired. "Oh... oops." I Said sitting up. "Are you sure your ok with me living with you?" I asked. "I'd prefer for mom and dad to be together and you stay here but it'll be fun." He said looking serious. "Yeah." I Said thinking about the future. "Your practically live alone as I spend most of my time with Claudia... We should get a pet." He said excited. "No! I'm not looking after a pet. And we are always away. That's not happening." I Said Sternly. We sat there talking about what we are going to do with the house. He doesn't like my plans to entirely change the decor but I'd like to see him try and stop me. I'm going to miss are little house but this is a new start. The start of my future.

A/N :  I'm probably gonna end this book soon but I'm gonna wright a sequel :)

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