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Billie's POV

"Let us in!" Finneas yelled. They had been banging on my door for hours. It felt like years. My music was so loud I could hardly hear them. How could they do this I thought they loved each other. How am I supposed to love someone if my parents couldn't even do it? And they lied. Don't they trust me? How didn't I notice? I was so blinded by my problems to see everyone else's.

 "Billie, talk to us. We're sorry. You need to let us in." My mom yelled still banging on the door. I got up and turned off my music. "What?" I yelled trying to hide the fact that I was crying. "I'm sorry. I should have told you." She said.

 I let them in and we all sat on my bed talking about the situation. "I respect your father but we don't have a relationship anymore. We believe that we can be happier and that it will be better for all of us." She said hugging me. It was a lot to take in but as long as we are all happy it can't be that bad. They decided that it would be better for me and Finneas to not be involved in the divorce so we still had to go on tour. I don't really know how to feel. I want my family to be happy and together but I would hate for my parents to fight or be miserable so maybe it's for the best. I just need to except it. "Billie now I've told you all about my relationship I want to hear about yours." She said smiling.

 They both looked at me excited to finally find out. "Well you know her name is Lexie. We met about four months ago at that party and I gave her my number and we started to talk. She is really kind and overall wonderful and stunning. She worked at a coffee shop but I may have got her fired so she got kinda mad about that... She has the most amazing sense of fashion and is really good at makeup. She's been begging me to let her do my makeup for ages." I Said smiling at how cute she is. She really is such an amazing person.

 "You gone all soft." Finneas said teasing me. I glared at him not in the mood for his jokes. "You two stop it. Finneas you're soft around your girlfriend so you can't make fun of Billie for being in love." She said not choosing a side. "I'm not soft!" I yelled. "Yes you are. Billie's fallen in love and has gone all soft." He said in a mocking tone. "Fuck you two! I'm definitely not soft!" I yelled getting angry now. "Maybe just a little bit. It's not a bad thing. You're just happy." My mom said siding with my brother. "That's not fair I'm not soft and just.... I don't know but I'm definitely not soft!" I Said tired of this argument. "Well we are all going out for dinner before the tour so you better invited her. I would love to meet the girl who managed to make Billie Eilish soft." My mom said as they both walked out of the room. All that talk about Lexie nearly made me forget about my parents. 


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