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(Tow days later)

Billie's POV

We are now a few days into the tour and things are amazing. I've been kinda busy but any free time I've been with Lexie. She's been great. Looking after me and being supportive. What did I do to deserve someone like her? I been so happy that I hadn't been  thinking about my parents.  We had spoken a few times and they seem ok. I still don't fully believe it but I know everything will be fine. They will still be my parents just separately. It's not like I want my parents to all kissy. They still love each other but I think that's manly for me and Finneas then genuine. Claudia has been good for him. She's very understanding and tries to comfort both of us. I told Lexie but asked her to not bring it up as I don't want it to ruin the tour.  

Me and Lexie are laying on are bed in the hotel room. It's getting late so we only have the lamps on giving the room mood lighting. It makes me miss my room. For some reason Lexie decided that we need face masks so she went to the store and left me alone for nearly half an hour! It was missable laying here alone but maybe it was better. A lest I didn't have to put stuff on my face. "Get this shit off! I look ridiculous." I whisper-yelled. "In 20 to 30 minutes. Just relax and stop fussing." She replied cuddling up to me. "This is horrible. I'm not a fan of skin care." I Said purposefully being  annoying. "Shut up and relax." She said starting to get irritated. "It's uncomfortable and I don't need it my skins fine." I complained. She sat up looking fed up. "Go wash your face if that'll make you feel better." She said  notably  irritated. "K" I Said in a rude tone and walked into that bathroom. "No need to be bitchy." She said following me. I laughed coldly as she shut the door behind us. I washed the mask off my face and turned to see her standing right behind me. "Here." I Said shoving the at towl in her hand. She rubbed her face until everything was gone. "Better?" She said kinda angry. "Not really but I don't feel gross anymore." I Said getting her really angry. "I was just trying to do something nice and you always have to make a fuss. Everything has to be exactly how you want. You can't appreciate people being kind if it's not what you want." She said raising her voice. I pushed her against the wall and press are lips together. I feel her hands move down my back as I pull off her top. I pick her up and carry her back to the bed. She squeals as I drop her down on the bad and cline on top. I pull of my shirt then reattach are lips. God she's hot. I pull away and just look at her, sweaty and out of breath. I move my head down to her neck leaving a dark hicky. "Fuck." She sighed under her breath. I giggled whilst moving my hands down her body. 

"I didn't just hear Billie Eilish giggle?" Someone Said accompanied by the sound of the door opening.  "We' Getting food do you girls wan..." Finneas Said as him and Claudia walked in stopping when he saw us. "Umm... were good." I Said turning bright red. Seeing Damon and Andrew right behind them. "Really, didn't we just hear you tow arguing?" Finneas Said sounding grossed out and slightly disappointed. "What, she's cute when she's mad." I Said causing Lexie to get even more embarrassed. Everyone seems very uncomfortable. This is really quite awkward. "I think we should leave... go to sleep and I'll see you tomorrow." Finneas Said putting emphasis on sleep. Everyone turned to leave and me and Lexie got ready for bed. "They really ruined the mood. And that woulda been fun." I Said cuddling Lexie. She sighed and we both drifted to sleep.

(The next morning)

Lexie's POV

"We have sound check from 12 to 2 then the meet and greet at 5:30 and you go on at 8." Damon says filling Billie in on the day. "That leaves us lost of free time." She said winking at me. I'd hate her if she wasn't so cute. Lucky I love her or she'd pay for that. Touring has made us closer then ever. One of my  concerns before was that she'd be to busy to for me but she gets a lot of time in the green room. 

We arrive at the venue to screaming fans. She looks so happy as she walks past them. I wish I could see probably but I have to be hidden so no one askes about me. We don't need people knowing about are relationship. At least not yet.  "You excited?" I asked as we both sat on the edge of the stage. "Very." She said smiling at me. "It was are 6 month anniversary the day we got here so I got you something... It's like a promise ring. We can match?" She said slightly embarrassed handing me a small box. 

(Something like this

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(Something like this. I know it's not very Billie like but it's simple)

"I love them." I Said putting one on my finger as she did the same. "I'm glad. It was hard to find ones that weren't overtly cringey." She said looking down at her finger. "Has it only been six months? It feels like forever." I Said hugging her. "Billie we need you for sound check." Someone Said and she stood up getting wired up. She stood holding the mike singing the most beautiful song. How is she so talented? She's perfect at everything she does. It's not fair. 

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