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Dedicated to @universeGirl1.Thank You so much for reading and voting it means a lot.

Ciara Mendes

      Every single word that Evei and Navia said last night was right. My relationship with Fisher wasn't meant to last, now that everything had crashed like the titanic I can recall all the times that something happened that I should have thought more on, if I did I would have saw this coming.

Fisher didn't want kids and nothing I said had changed that, after marriage he wanted me to move to Chicago with him even though I was born and raised here. I enjoy it here.

Around him I would always have to be perfect and I remember a couple months ago when I had changed my hair to a lighter shade, he had gotten so upset I had to change it back to its natural raven colour immediately.

The signs were there but I had ignored them.

After Micah had dropped us off at my apartment he stayed in the living room editing his pictures, Navia and Evei stayed in my room with me. Both women on either side sharing their opinions in order to make me feel better and indeed it did help me feel better. 

Navia is a wonderful young woman and I see why my best friend had taken interest in her. She happens to be a fourth year Marine Biology student at the Brown University. Out of all the women Micah introduced to Evei and I, Navia is the only one I can say we get along with.

"Dad I hate to bring this up but... how did you get over mom and what she did?"

Dad and I are having lunch at Ruby's diner. It was far from where I work but it was dad's favourite diner and he was flying out this evening, I don't know when I'll see him in person again so coming here was my idea.

He place down the burger he was about to take a bite of, "Your mother is a selfish woman sweetheart, I'm not going to lie, every time I see her something petty comes from her mouth which reminds me of what she did thus I stay away from her, this keeps me reminded that the woman I once loved no longer exist, I used to chain myself in work to help me forget her_"

I take a sip of my milk shake as I watch the man before me, thinking he didn't deserve what she did to him. He is a good man, husband and father. "You're still young Ciara, you don't have to chain yourself with work. Listen to Eve, give yourself a break from those two, maybe go on a vacation and find someone new but keep this in mind honey don't go falling head over heels in love with the next guy you'll find, let him fall first."

Tears weld up in my eyes as I listen to my dad.

Giving me a small smile he continues, "You are extraordinary sweetheart, this cruel world doesn't deserve you, remember that whenever you feel like you are less and don't worry about having to cancel any preparation just give me all the numbers and I'll have my assistant do it for you."

"Thanks dad but that's not necessary."

"Honey I insist." He gave me his most determine look which had me giving in. "I spoke with Alaric this morning, he says he's still waiting to know the court date, Zenny is very eager to see you, I hope you haven't been ignoring her."

Zendra was still very young and would not understand what is going on. She tends to be very inquisitive and I'm not sure how I'll answer all her questions.

"Of Course not dad, I'll have Alaric drop her at my apartment for the weekend are maybe I'll just let her spend the week instead of staying in their mansion with her nanny, I know Alaric has more than what he normally does on his plate right now."

"That's great sweetheart, you should call him later and let him know."

Giovanni Haynes

How unfortunate, out of all the women in this gigantic world my dumb cousin had to go and pick the one who share some kind of relation with Eve Malhamie. I could only imagine the damage it would cause if Mateo found out that I had slept with his ex girlfriend a day after they had separated, though they were only in a relationship for one week I can be assured that it would cause chaos.

That was not the only reason I feel like not going through with this, Ciara fiance left her for her blood sister. That alone was just cruel, what kind of man would I be if I carried out this plan?

Giving Mateo the ten percent of Anton Industry now seemed like a better option, him having shares in my company would not be a bad idea, he is my cousin after all.

"Hey baby." Mandy enters the living room where I sat in my black leather couch drinking the liquor I took from Ciara last night. She was wearing one of my shirts, even though I ignore her that did not stop her from sitting on one of my leg and throwing her arms around my neck.

"What's wrong? You seem tense." She says placing a kiss on my cheek, slapping me back to present away from the memories of last night and the look on Ciara's face when her sister told her those harsh words.

"I'm good, I just need to get to work."

"Awe no round four?" She punt, I kiss her soft pink lips.

The offer was hard to refuse but I had a board meeting in twenty minutes to discuss the stock market of a company I wanted shares in and there were a few papers that need my signature.

I have left Leo in charge long enough, this is my business and I could not leave Leo in charge all the time while I engage myself in other activities, although it is his job as vice president to step in whenever I'm not there, but along with that he has other work to take care of.

"I have an important meeting to get to and I have to talk to Mr Lac'Nore in regards of you procuring a mansion in Golden grove estates."

She seem content at the mention of the mansion she is suppose to get after accompanying me last night in more ways than one. "Should I come by tonight?"

I contemplate the blue eyes brunette who was now stranding me like a baby monkey or perhaps a ball of yarn. She was still as beautiful and good in bed like I remember, sure she made dim comments sometimes but that's just who she is.

Maybe having her for another night won't be a bad idea, but it would have to be after I meet the guys tonight. Bentley was in town for three days and tonight we planned to go to club Flames. It was a new strip club owned by Russell Lopez, Leo thirty six year old half brother.

"I'm meeting with the guys tonight, would you have a problem waiting until I get back?" A small part of me wants her to refuse this offer, for a reason I'm not so sure of.

"I'm having dinner tonight with my cousin and her husband anyway, so I'll stop by after."

I peck her lips,"If I'm not back by the time you get here one of the maids will let you in."

"I can't wait." She kisses me once more before leaving the room.


"Mother?" I say into the phone as I make my way to the elevator, I have a meeting in two minutes and I was running late. For once in my life my mind was not on work.

"Gio sweetheart how are you?" I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration hoping the woman would just get to the point instead of asking about my wellbeing when she already know the answer to that.

"I'm fine mother, I also have a meeting to get to so please state the purpose of this call."

The line was silent for awhile, I check my phone screen and saw that she did not disconnect the call like I thought.

"Just a heads up Giovanni- Jasmine will be visiting since you left so abruptly... I think you should at least give her a second chance."

I think my systolic pressure had past it's normal rate, how can my own mother say such a thing to me? That woman I loved her and she crushed my heart in the worst way possible. Second chance is not in my vocabulary when it came to that woman.

"I love you mother but there is no way in hell I'll give that woman another chance, not even if she was laying on her death bed, praying to a million gods for me to forgive her just seconds before her last breath."

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