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Ciara Mendes

                     I glare at the caller ID that popped up on my phone screen for the fifth time. I knew that if I did not answer eventually that my mother would show up here and that is the last thing that I want to happen followed by the end of the world.


"Don't Hello me Ciara. I've been calling you repeatedly." She scolds.

"What do you want mother?" I ask lazily while scrolling through Amazon in search of a new dining table.

After a dramatic sigh she reply, "Bridget and I are having dinner 7 pm tomorrow at her favourite restaurant, Golden Palace and we are expecting you to join us."

"Oh, as much as I'd love to join you both I'm afraid I won't be able to make it. I'm leaving LA for work tomorrow."

"It's always work with you, you're just like your father. Never had time to do anything with the family."

"What family mother? We haven't been a family since dad and I caught you cheating on him, just like your daughter did to her husband with my fiance.  I know you both will be able to enjoy your fancy and expensive dinner tomorrow night without your plague of a daughter being there."

I disconnect the call and ponder on what Giovanni had proposed earlier. He gave me time to get back to him with my answer but I am yet to mention it to Mrs Florence.

3:38pm. The time on my desktop screen reads; the office closed at five. There was no time for me to get ready and go over there since traffic wasn't the best and I did take my time in getting ready, with all the silly distractions that could occur. It would be best if I called.

Scrolling through my contacts I came across the one that I needed before tapping on the screen and pressing the phone to my ear.

"Ciara. I was hoping to hear from you did you manage to get in touch with Mr. Haynes?" Mrs Florence says before I even had the chance to speak.

Before the call with my mother I was contemplating on whether to tell her the truth are to tell her that he had refused to do this interview, though she would have probably blamed me for not being as persuasive and demanding as any other Journalist.

"Yes and there's a but-" I pause waiting for her to say I should continue.

"I'm listening."

"He's leaving for a business trip tomorrow and he says I should come along so that whenever he's free I could conduct the interview."

Those were not his exact words but I couldn't have her thinking more into this.

"That is excellent, now you have one week to get everything on him. I expect you back at work bright and early next Monday morning with our bestselling story."

That was it with my boss, she placed pressure on her employees and I'm not even sure that she's aware. "Of Course Mrs Florence."

"I'll email you some of the questions that I want you to ask him tonight. After you go over them you can add anymore you'd like to ask. Make sure to get the perfect shots of him, something more sexy and appealing than the one they used in the other magazines."

Sexy and Appealing. I resist the urge to groan like a nearly dead animal at her words.

"I'll have this story ready as soon as I can."

"Have a safe flight Ms. Mendes. I'm counting on you."

"I won't disappoint you Mrs Florence." I assure her.

"I know you won't, that's why I'll have your new office ready on the fourth floor for you when you return." She replies sternly before ending our conversation.

There was just a few things to do now; swallow my pride and call Giovanni despite my slight dislike and the tiny amount of respect I have for him.

Giovanni Haynes

                  I would choose to be anywhere but in this boring meeting listening to Jada Isaac who is head of our management department go on about the marketing plan. I wasn't her biggest fan, I made the mistake once of sleeping with her and since then she has been flaunting herself like an escort.

The dress she wore was a tight blue one with low sleeve, a split in the back and it stop above her knees. It amaze me how it did not stop her blood circulation.  She kept brushing the loose hair behind her ear which irritates me and makes me wonder why she did not just pin it back before coming here. The only reason she's still apart of Anton Industry is because she's good at her job.

"The goal is to increase the current client base by one hundred over a three-month period."

"And what do you suggest we do to achieve that Ms. Isaac?"

She sat forward in her chair,"Well-- a commercial would be best."

I raise a brow a her, "I don't know if you are forgetting this Ms. Isaac but we already have plenty of those which you and your team came up with."

Her cheeks flush scarlet in embarrassment as the other members in the meeting look at her. That's what happens when you lose focus, if she wasn't busy trying to impress me with her body actions then she would not have made a fool of herself.

"Then I suggest a trade exhibition. We'll advertise the exhibition on the most popular websites, newspaper et cetera in order to gain more clients, but it has to be planned thoroughly."

I nod as my phone starts to vibrate in my pocket, I thought I put it on silence. I check the caller ID a smile form on my face as I read the name.

I look from the phone to my employees who were waiting for my input. "I'm leaving for two weeks and when I get back I expect you to have everything planned so we can go over it. If there's anything else feel free to talk to the VP are if it can not wait talk to Ms. Lambert and she'll get in touch with me, with that said you are all dismissed."

I left before any of them could say anything. Ciara had called only once and I knew that she might not call twice, instead of waiting for the impossible I took a seat in my office and return her call.

"When do we leave and where are we going?" She says instead of a normal greeting.

"Hello to you too buttercup."

"Just answer my question." I could hear the frustration in her voice.

If I told her now where we were going then she would figure out that I had lied to her about this being a business trip. Then she would change her mind and I'll never get her to fall for me.

I had Mrs Lambert book a luxury two bedroom suite at The Grand Pacific Hotel in Fiji. It was one of the best hotels there and I would have nothing less. I can't say the thought of buying a house there did not cross my mind, but that would have been a bit too much and I can't scare away Ciara especially when I know I'm not exactly on her good side.

"Why are you in such a hurry buttercup? You know there's no reason to pretend as if you don't want to prolong this conversation, I know you miss hearing my voice. " I tease knowing that if it was possible steam would have been coming from her ears at this point.

The sound of her taking a deep breath was loud and clear, I smile to myself. "We leave at nine am, should I pick you up?"

"Ah- I" She pause as if she was not sure what to say.

"Listen buttercup I'll make it easier for you, I'll pick you up at your place just text me your address and I'll be there by eight thirty."

"Alright that's fine but can you also tell me where we're going?" She ask sounding a bit more relax.

"I rather not. Just don't pack for a cold weather, see you tomorrow beautiful."

I ended the call with a smile on my face before she had the chance to ask more questions.

This short vacation is going to be great- I'll make sure of it.

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